Chapter Two

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I woke up in a hospital bed, slightly disoriented. I sit up and look around before spotting a mounted wall clock. It read to be a quarter past 10 am. I bolt out of bed and fall in the process, but that didn't matter: I needed to get to my next class, and fast.

"Ouch! Why is it always me getting hurt?" I mumble angrily into the floor, due to me face planting the damned thing! I get up and walk to the bathroom off to the corner and look into the mirror... 'great... just great... I have a bloody nose!' I clean my nose, then I look to the side to find my clothes sitting on a shelf, neatly folded. I quickly get changed and speedily head to class.

I arrive at my class room and pear into the room through the cracked door. The teacher is facing towards the board, so I sneak in casually and sit next to my friend, Kagome. I quickly pull out my books and pretend I've been here through this entire thing.

Kagome pokes my shoulder while still writing in her notebook and whispers some of the stuff I missed. I nudge her in appreciation.

"So, where where you? and why do you have that bandage on your wrist." I keep a straight face as I continue to write.

"I forgot to turn my alarm back on, so I kinda slept in, and I fell while getting ready." I just lied to my best friend, but it had to be done. She nods in understanding. I felt kinda guilty for lying to her.

The teacher turned around and saw me, he was about to say something, but the bell rang before he could make out a word. 'Run, run, run' I thought frantically as I bolt for the door—since I was basically on the end—I opened the door and ran to the moon dorms for the cross over.

I past by some girls talking about st. Xocolatl's day. And another group talking about "the new guardian" and how she's going to try and "steal" the night class away from them just like Yuki. As if these damn Psy-taku's had the Night Class to begin with. I arrive and see no one behind me, or anywhere for that matter.

I'm alone...

"Hello, dear, feeling lonely? Well, that's what happens when you run away from everybody." I heard a sinister whisper. I whip around and see nothing... 'What the hell?' I turn in every direction and still can't see the person who spoke...

"Who are you?" I asked them. it seemed as if time was frozen or something.

All of a sudden he appeared in front of me. He had dark brown hair, his eyes where mismatched, one was the same color as mine, and he was wearing a button up shirt with dress pants. He was, strangely, quite handsome. "Oh, I'm just someone from your past, present, and soon... your future." I heard him purr in my ear, he's really good at that vanish-then-reappear stuff. He sighs and says, "Looks like someone is trying to get your attention, my dear. It was nice seeing you. Until next time." And after that everything disappeared and all of a sudden there were a bunch of girls surrounding me, and in front of me, Yuki was shaking me.

"Oribia! Ori, are you ok?!" she asks panicked. I look around confused, 'What happened?' I thought, head still spinning.

"Uh—I um—yeah: I'm fine." I try and find the right words, as well as try to find out what happened. "Let's get to work..." I suggest, trying to change the subject.

"Thank goodness. You where in some kind of trance or something." I look at her surprised and very confused. 'So, that was all just a really vivid illusion?' I snap out of my thoughts and give my sister a reassuring smile.

"Oh, whoops, I guess I was having a really good daydream!" I scratch the back of my neck nervously, and a little bit embarrassed.

"Okay, well, at least you're okay. Let's get to work shall we? it's st. Xocolatl's day tomorrow, so the girls are extra pumped up today!" She gives me a determined smile, and I nod half-enthusiastically.

"Aye aye, Captain Yuyu!" I tease her with her old nickname, then salute her, before getting to work.


I get back to my dorm after patrolling, and get my pajamas ready for after my shower. All while I totally loath tomorrow's events. "I've concluded: being a guardian is hard!" I whine in frustration. I shower then put purple and black, plaid pajamas on. After that, I walk to my bed after I  turn the lights off.

I back up a bit and see the window open, so I go and check it out. I see nothing unusual, so I close the window, and make sure to sleep with my anti vampire weapon under my pillow. My weapon is a silver dagger with a navy blue hilt; it's name is, Nyx. I tuck it under my pillow and go to bed.


The next day I wake up from a nightmare. I don't remember what it was about, but it was bad enough to make me wake up in a cold sweat. I shower again to clean off the grime, then I quickly get dressed and head to class.

"Yuki! Zero!" I shout to them as I run down the hall. they stop and look at me. Yuki smiles and waves, and Zero has that same old bored expression on his face.

"Good morning, Oribia! Feeling better? I forgot to ask yesterday." Yuki asks when I catch up to them. 'I think she's talking about the Aido incident.' I conclude to myself.

"Yes, I am much better. Thanks for asking." I smile bright at Yuki, then I turn my attention over to Zero. "Hey big brother!" I tease him. He glared at me and walked away. "I was just kidding, Zero! Please slow down for your darling little sisters!" I yell after him, trying to catch up, whilst I pull Yuki along with me.

We get to class and I sit next to Yuki, Yori, and Kagome. I'm on the outside, Kagome and Yuki are in the middle, and Yori's on the other side of Yuki.

I hear them talk about st. Xocolatl's day, "So, Yuki, are you giving anyone chocolates this year?" Yori asked Yuki with that near emotionless face she always seems to have, Yuki looked embarrassed and started shouting her disagreement towards the holiday.

Kagome turned to me and asked, "Oribia, Are you giving chocolates to anyone?" Yuki and Yori stopped talking and looked at me and I swear I saw Zero get interested for a second out of the corner of my eye. I blushed and replied, "I, um, was thinking about giving, Zero, headmaster and you guys some chocolates... perhaps Kaname as well?" I say the last part quietly. Kagome smirks, then hugs me and ruffles my hair,

"Look at you! You're so cute when your embarrassed." I blush more and push her away from me. I didn't like attention, even from my closet friends and family.

"Um... Thanks?" I say, but it comes out as more of a question.

"You're welcome!" She replies then gets back to her studies as the teacher walks in.


We start the St. Xocolatl's day event. it's going good so far, except for a few incidents from a certain blonde. "No, bad Aido! We told you to only accept there gifts." I scold Aido as he asks a girl her blood type. Aido pouts but obeys I pat his head. "Good boy." I praise, and walk away.

I find Kamame and shyly walk up to him—unlike Yuki who's too afraid. "Excuse me, Kaname?" he turns around and sees me blushing shyly and he smiles. His smile is just making it more difficult to not just run and hide. Embarrassment is a real pain.

"Yes, Oribia?" he replies.

"P-please accept this." I bow and hand him the chocolate and he smiles.

"Of course I will. Thank you, Oribia." he takes the chocolate and I bow again and say a quick thank you before I get back to work.

I watch as the night class walk away. All of a sudden I see Zero throw something in Kaname's direction and I hear Yuki yell at Zero. Kaname looks at the box Zero threw to him, and said, "Thank you, Yuki." And after that we warped this event up and went patrolling.

*~*~* A/N *~*~*
Damn it took a while for me to make up my mind for a plot! Anyway, here ya go peeps! I pray/hope/wish the next chapter will be better. and sorry for any mistakes! •3•

'Well, until next chapter dudes! •3^

Edited: June 14, 2017

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