(part 2) an unexpected journey

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-------Oribia's POV (after classes)-------

After the long day of just pure awakward glances between Zero and I, I ran to the Moon dormitory to do my Prefect duties. I was running there as fast as I could because I feel asleep in class, and now I am a bit tardy. I just cannot believe the nightmare I had last night was just a figment of my imagination. It felt real, too real.


"Mommy? Why does Daddy always look sad when he sees me? He smiles big when ever he sees big sis!" A child pouts, a glassy look creeping up and settling in the frail girls eyes. "I just want Daddy to be proud of me too! I-its n-not fair Mama!" The little girl fell into her mother's warm embrace. Seeking affection where she knows it is given, willingly, and unconditionally.

"Little carrot, your father loves you, and takes pride in your very existence... he just worries for your future. We knew the minute you and your sister were born, that you two were to be in unfathomable danger throughout your lives. We have sworn to keep our little princesses safe though, you needn't worry your gorgeous head, my little carrot!" The mother assured the Orange headed girl. She gazed into her daughter's, glossy, mismatched turquoise and burgundy eyes, with a motherly gaze.

"But, then..." The girl looked really confused. She stood up and took one step back. "...why did Uncle tell me Daddy hated me because I'm a monster, and wanted me dead the minute you agreed to, uh, um... rez-or-tec me?" The girl tilt her head, turning red at the fact she couldn't pronounce her words just right.

The mom looked shocked that her little angel was even speaking of such things. She couldn't believe he had spoken to her little innocent carrot of such matters. She was infuriated, to say the least! The mother couldn't tell her daughter how she was brought into existence. "Your Uncle is lying sweet one. Your father loves you to bits... He just has a unique way of showing that. Now run along and play with your sister," The mother kisses her daughters pale, soft, forehead and ushers her along, as she felt a strong presence outside the house "Daddy and I have some... business to attend to at the moment."

So she went and played with her sister. The older-by-20-minutes sister was more resembling to their mother then she was. She looked like her cousin's family more so then her own. She even had mismatched eyes like her Uncle. And that's what she thought was weird: her uncle always talks about how much she looks like his deceased soulmate, and how she looks nothing like her birth-family... And the way he talked about stealing her away someday. Taking her to the place of her dreams.

But that never happened; because all you could hear at the moment were screams... Agonizing screams. The girls dreams died the day the screams reverberated through her ears...

-------END DREAM--------

I haven't seen that strange man lately, he has only shown up on seldom occasions recently. It's almost like he is preserving strength, by from the way he explained his odd appearances, that is. I wonder if Father can get me into the Vampire Hunter Association's archive so I can find out anything about the stranger.

I stop and sigh, I leaned against a tree about fairly far away from the moon dorm. I just need to take it easy today, I haven't been feeling very well today. I heave whilst trying to catch my breath, it hardly works seeing as I just feel more light headed. I stumble trying to balance myself, and end up crashing to my knees in a huff. I start to panic not knowing what is happening to me, so I fall back onto the tree so I could rest here for a while, I will explain my no-show face later. Just, for now, I felt like closing my eyes.

The next thing I know is I am freezing cold, and not leaning on a tree anymore. I open my eyes to see where I was. An alley? How did I even get here? I tried to move, but noticed I my limbs were extremely sore, like I just ran a marathon while carrying two tons of weights. I gave up my efforts in time to realize it has been raining this entire time, and I was sitting in a puddle. I tear up, confusion and fear rising in my mind. I tried to move again, but heard a noise to my left. I gulp in fear of what it might be- hoping to god it is not what I think it to be.

I see a set of two red eyes in the dark, but far away. I started to cry by this point, and struggled harder. I managed to regain most of my limb control, but that doesn't mean it hurts any less. I start to hear the Level E breath raggedly, and I could hear it slurping it's saliva back into its mouth, just waiting to get his fangs into my newly healed neck! Once I gathered my strength, I stood up slow enough to not get a head-rush on top of my headache. I had tunnel vision from the headache (that I now think is a migraine), but I still reached under my skirt to grab my anti-vampire weapons.

I took a warrior stance, and waited for it to strike. It laughed as it jumped at me, jaw unhinged like a snake, and tongue flapping from the force of the jump. I gasped and prepared for the blow. It slammed into me, causing me to fall on my back and hitting my head with a force that draws blood. I groaned and gasped in pain. I couldn't think straight anymore. The tunnel was just one big blur now, nothing but a raindrop on the lens. I tried to hold back the Level E with all my might, but the creature easily pined my arms down. "No. Please don't-" my voice horse from not speaking for a while. "H-help! Someone p-please help me!" I screamed in a distorted voice.

"Stop it! Stop it! Hel- AHHH!!" I scream at my highest pitch when he bit down, so high even those all the way at the academy would here it and be worried. The Level E bit so hard I thought he was going to rip a chunk of my neck out. I was trying the worm my way out of its grasp and grab Nyx, but his hold, tightened with every gulp, body trembling in bliss as he rang me dry. I started to loose my ability to breath, but, before I knew it the Level E pulled back and screamed almost as loud as I had, before disappearing. I breathed heavy, and I felt my temperature rising as my eyes drifted to the side;

Kaname, and Zero.

I laughed a little before I closed my eyes and relaxed. I could hear Kaname call my name, and Zero about to cry. I felt one of them lift he up then held me as close as they could, then started running; most likely back to the academy.

My breathing was so shallow, and I felt the dark creeping up on my mind, all before I blacked out. Not knowing is I will ever wake up.

*Sorry, cliff hanger! I probably shouldn't leave you on one when I have not updated in a while... Oh well, I have valid reasons on why I haven't!
Main being- I FRIGGIN' MOVED TO DIFFERENT COUNTRY! Any way, happy Fourth of July, mein Freund's!*

*not edited yet*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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