Chapter Six

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"The bleeding has finally stopped, but he bit into you rather deep. Does it hurt?" Kaname asked, as he probably saw the traitor tear give away the army's position.

"I'm fine. I actually think it's Yuki that needs the consoling." I look next to me where Yuki has started crying. I grab her hand and hold it in a reassuring grasp.

"Yuki, are you alright?" Yuki looks from our hands to Kaname.

"Y-yes, I think so..." she rubs her eyes to remove the salty stream of tears.

"Are you afraid of vampires now?" she shook her head no and puts her hand back down. Yuki looks down as another tear slides down her face.

There was a knock at the door. We turn to see the headmaster. "Kaneme, would you mind heading back to class? The smell of blood seems to have gotten the Night class in quite a stir."

"Yes, of course." I look at Kaneme as he walks away, not wanting him to leave me. Even though I wouldn't say it out loud: he makes me feel safe.

"Thank you, Kaneme... goodbye." I call to him as he leaves. Now I was starting to become scared.

"You're welcome. Bye, Oribia, Yuki." after he said that, he disappeared.

Headmaster walked over to us and put a band-aid on my neck, "I took Zero back to his dorm room, and got him settled," He said reassuring Yuki and I both. "He seems to have calmed down a bit." Uncle stood up and looked down at us, "Yuki, Oribia... Finding this out, after all these years, must be quite a shock for you both. this isn't how I hoped to tell you. I'm sorry."

Yuki flinched and looked up at headmaster, I give him a hurt look "When exactly were you planning on telling us, huh?" I become slightly angry, but manage to remain calm. "I never once thought Zero could be a vampire... how did this happen?"

"Before, he was a human." the headmaster stated.

"Before? so then..."

"When the Kiryu family was attacked by that Vampire four years ago: His parents and his twin brother were all killed. only Zero managed to survive that attack. But, he didn't manage to come out completely unscathed. when he was found, they discovered deep fang marks on his neck."

"So then he was changed from a human, to a vampire... Because he was bitten?" Yuki asked suddenly, giving me a horrific look, like she was scared for me.

"Yes, I know you think vampire bites don't really transform humans. to you it might sound a bit like folk lore. it does happen, there are Vampires out there that can turn humans into there own kind. but just a handful can,"

"Purebloods..." I spoke up, looking down as I think about Zero being a regular Vampire. I could feel Yuki tense up after hearing that.

"Pure...bloods?" Yuki asks, trying to grasp her head around this information.

"Yes, Purebloods." the headmaster confirms. Yuki looks over at me again, like I'm going to turn into a vampire any minute now. "You don't have to worry, my dear Yuki. Zero is obviously not a Pureblood: his bite doesn't have the power to turn anyone into a Vampire."

"Well... I didn't see this one coming!" I stand up and grab Yuki's hand. "Come on, let's go to bed." she stands up and walks with me. "Good night, Uncle." we can hear the Headmaster squeal for a second, after we left, before he probably went back to his unusually sirious domineer.


"They want to put zero in the night class?"

"I don't know, I don't think the headmaster would do that. He knows how much we care about Zero. If he was in the Night class, we would never see him!" I tried to reason with her.

"But, it makes perfect sense. Zero is a Vampire, he should be with other Vampires. But, how would he handle being in the night class? Zero hates Vampires, so much he would kill every one he sees. All those years, he was suffering alone... I never-" I cut Yuki off from her rant,

"Yuki! Dont blame yourself. it's not your fault a Vampire attacked Zeros family, is it?" She shakes her head no, "Then there you go. Don't blame yourself for other people's misfortune... Unless you're the one who actually caused their misfortunes, then you can blame yourself." I gave her a reassuring hug.

"T-thank you, I needed that." I let go of her and grabbed her hand.

"Lets get to bed, we have class tomorrow." I suggested, and gave her a small smile.

"Alright, let's go." she gavve me an even smaller smile as she looked down, probably still blaming herself. I sigh in momentary defeat.

I split apart chapter five because it had too many words in one place for my liking, sorry :p over
1800 to be exact.

Edited: June 17, 2017

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