A History Lesson

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Category: TV Show » Power Rangers

Author: Twix3780

Language: English

Rated: Fiction T

Genre: Fantasy/Family

Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers.

Author's Note: Welcome to the Jungle Fury portion of this universe.

Reaching out his fingers, Nick grasp the empty space beside him and raised his head. He squinted through groggy eyes and pushed his hands against the soft matters and looked around the darkened room. He was at Root core and had been for the last couple of weeks. His mother and father had gone on a magic retreat with Daggeron and Eithne, leaving him and Kali at the base to look after the magical realm.

Speaking of Kali, where was she? He could remember her falling asleep beside him, but he must've entered a deep sleep because he couldn't remember feeling her move or leave the room. When he was younger, his sister Rachel often teased him about his sleep process. She called his 'deep sleep' a dead sleep, and he couldn't help but agree. A bomb could've gone off, and he would've slept through it.

Rolling out of bed, Nick grabbed his shirt from the floor and pulled it over his head. He opened the door and stepped out onto the dark, wooden landing and headed for the spiral staircase leading down into the main room of Root core. He glanced over the banister and spotted Kali at the table, she was sitting in her usual spot, legs pulled up and hugged to her chest, as the balls of her feet rested on the edge of her stool.

He watched her for a few minutes. Taking her in and smiling to himself. He noticed how her shoulder-length brown hair hung down over her right shoulder, how her head was propped up against the ball of her hand, and while he couldn't see them, he knew that her brown eyes would be focused intently on the images flashing across the crystal ball.

On the table in front of her, he also noticed, was the Xenotome - the book of ancients that they had studied when they had first become Rangers.

"Hey," Nick called, descending the stairs and stepping into the slightly chilled room. He rubbed his palms up and down his arms as he approached his girlfriend. She either hadn't heard him call out or was ignoring him. He guessed the former, seeing as she was deeply focused on what she was doing, her brow furrowed to the point that he was surprised she didn't look angry.

Kali jumped as she felt arms slid around her waist.

"Hey, hey, easy," said Nick, softly.

"Jesus!" Kali swore. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

Nick chuckled and hugged her firmly against him. "I did call out," he said. "You didn't hear me."

Shaking her head, Kali relaxed against him, feeling the warmth from his chest against her back.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked.


Nick rolled his eyes. "I can see that, smart arse," he said. "Why are you searching? What for?"

Kali shrugged. "Darkness," she answered. "I can't sleep, the Hellhound is restless."

It had been two years since any form of darkness had plagued the Mystic Realm. The last, had taken on the form of a rogue Ninja named Lothor. He had been banished from Earth 30 years prior and had returned to wreak havoc on the Ninjas, namely his brother, that had he had viewed to be the cause. In his desire for mass destruction and world domination, he had hoped to open the Abyss of Evil.

The Hellhound's DemonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora