Way of the Master

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Kali breathed in sharply as she rounded a corner and pressed her back up against the wall. She paused, listening to the pounding footsteps as they headed towards her and then reached out, grasped hold of someone's arm and pulled them close.

"Thanks," said Casey.

"No problem," Kali gasped. The pair fell silent as a ball of scales rolled past, collided with a set of boxes and then sprang open to reveal a new Rinshi monster.

"What is that thing?" Casey asked.

Kali shook her head and stepped out from behind the wall. The monster stamped the ground like a bull and fell into a forward roll. He slammed into the shield she had just conjured and unrolled backwards.

"Ow, what was that?" the Rinshi asked, touching his head.

"Jungle Bo!"

"Jungle Tonfa!"

Casey looked up as Lily and Theo flipped over him and Kali, landing in front of the Rinshi and slashing at him with their weapons. They bounced easily off his shell, which looked to be overlapping triangles of scales.

"Guys," Casey called.

"You think your other fights have been tough? I'll show you tough!" the Rinshi cackled.

"What do we do?" Theo asked, pushing himself to his feet. "Our weapons barely scratched the surface."

"That's because nothing can get through my armour," the Rinshi laughed.

Kali glanced around as the clacking of heels on concrete caught her attention. She grumbled as Camille strode into view, smirking, and staring at the Rinshi general.

"What are you still doing with these brats?" Camille hissed. "You have direct orders to target the city. Now move it!"

"Wow, and I thought Leelee could reach the high octaves," said Kali.

Camille sneered at the mention of her niece's name. She turned her attention back to the Rinshi and hissed.

"Yes, ma'am," said the Rinshi general. He punched his fist into his palm and then grew taller, stopping only when he towered high above the city.

Camille grinned and turned to Kali as the others took off, summoning their animal spirits and forming the Megazord. "Run along, little Hellhound," she taunted, waving her hand. "The gates to the Underworld will soon be opening."

"Don't count on it."


Stretching her arms above her head, Kali groaned as the muscles in her shoulders popped and creaked. "Ooh! That feels good," she mumbled.

"Man, am I glad to be out of there," said Theo. "I felt like I was going to be sick."

"Talk to me, Rangers," said RJ, getting up from his chair. "What happened?"

"Well, this giant anteater -" started Lily.

"Hedgehog," Casey corrected.

Theo furrowed his brow. "I thought it was an artichoke with legs?" he asked.

"It's a Pangolin," said Kali.

"A Pango-what?" Theo asked.

"Pangolin. They're small mammals out of Asia," Kali explained. "Their literal translation is 'something that rolls up'."

"And you know this, how?" Casey asked.

"My parents are diplomats. They spent time all over the world, and before I started to stay with Nick and his family when they travelled, I used to travel with them. Pangolins have a hard shell-like armour that is impossible to break."

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