Love Don't Cost a Thing

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"Kali, what time do you have?" Theo asked, jumping Kali as she wandered into the kitchen.

Kali furrowed her brow and pointed at the watch on his wrist. "Isn't that a watch?" she asked.

"Yes, it's a watch. I just want to make sure it's right."

"Okay. I've got 12:05," said Kali, checking her own watch. She hit the power button on her phone and the screen light up. "Even if only to triple check." She showed him the screen displaying the time.

Theo sighed in relief, but immediately started to pace.

"What's going on?" Kali asked. She glanced at Fran, who was making pizza on the table.

Fran shrugged.

"Theo?" Kali asked. "Why are you so agitated?"

"I'm not agitated."

Kali rose an eyebrow at him.

Theo sighed. "It's the second Tuesday of the month," he explained.

"Yeah. I'm aware."

"Well, Lily and I always make plans to check out a new lunch spot on the second Tuesday of every month."

"Aw," Fran cooed. "You have a standing date."

Kali laughed.

"It's not a date!" Theo protested. "We just enjoy hanging out."

"Well, given how jittery you are, I'd say you have nerves, and nerves are usually associated with dates," said Kali.

Fran snickered.

Checking his watch again, Theo rushed over and grabbed Fran's arm, causing her to scream and drop the bowl of cheese she had been holding. "What are you -?" she started, breaking off as Theo tapped the face of her watch.

"Is this right?" Theo asked.

"Well, not really," said Fran, blushing. "It's 24hrs ahead. It helps me keep on time."

Kali snorted and shook her head with amusement. "Have either of you seen Lily?" she asked, looking up as Rylie and RJ descended the stairs from the loft.

"Yeah, she's getting her groove on with Casey," said RJ, pointing over his shoulder.

Rylie rolled her eyes and socked RJ in the shoulder. "Out of context, that sounds so wrong," she said.

"She's got a point," said Kali, biting her lip to keep from laughing as RJ rubbed his arm.

Theo's eyes, however, had widened and he pounded up the stairs.

Kali followed after him. She spotted Theo stalking towards where Lily and Casey were dancing and hurried after him. She caught up just as he reached them.

"Uh, Lil, did you forget something?" Theo asked.

Lily paused, thinking hard. Her face the alight as she gasped. "Oh yeah, I was going to do a triple flip at the end, but my ankle isn't feeling it," she said, smiling.

"No, I meant our lunch... appointment."

"He means your lunch date," said Kali. She winced as Theo thumped her in the stomach with the back of his hand.

Theo whined as Kali flicked his ear.

"Theo, of course I didn't forget," said Lily. "I even have the perfect place picked out. You guys are going to love it."

Kali pursed her lips as she breathed out. Oh boy, this was not going to end well. A date with more than one person wasn't a date, and as much as Theo wouldn't admit it, he wanted Lily all to himself.

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