Ghost of a Chance, Part II

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"Guess we're not master's after all," Theo huffed as he paced the loft.

"We have to save RJ," said Lily. "There has to be a way."

"But without a Master, how can we learn to defeat Jarrod?" Theo asked. "He's like super evil now. Look what he did to Kali."

Kali winced as she eased off her jacket and lifted her shirt, revealing a collection of bruises along her tanned stomach. She swallowed and bit back a moan as she lightly brushed her fingers over them.

"I thought you had the power to absorb things?" Casey asked.

"I do," said Kali. "I don't know what this is."

"Could Jarrod be having help?"

Kali nodded. "I had a meeting today with Nick's father, Leanbow, he warned me that there has been a disturbance in the elements - mainly sky and water - there is an Overlord called Jellica, who can phase through attacks. I'm starting to wonder if she has the ability to solidify attacks, too, to get around my absorbing abilities?"

"Fascinating. Can we get back onto the subject of rescuing RJ?" Theo asked. "What did he say to you before they took him away?"

Glancing up, Kali met Theo's gaze in the reflection of the mirror. "Huh?" she frowned.

"He said something," said Theo. "I didn't catch what it was, but he looked at you and said something. I saw his lips move."

"Oh. He said about going back to basic," said Kali, dropping her shirt. Her whole body ached with every move she made, but she still had a duty to her protect the city and the mystic realm, she could worry about healing later.

Casey furrowed his brow. "Go back to basics," he mumbled. Then, his face alighted, and he grinned. "That's it! That's it!"

"What's it?" Lily and Theo asked, simultaneously.

"Go back to basics," Casey repeated.

"How is that going to help?" Lily asked, confused. "Going back to basics means right back to the start. We'd be utterly defenceless."

"Not basic training," said Casey, shaking his head. "Back to the beginning. Literally."

Kali furrowed her brow. "You mean the temple where Dai Shi was being kept?" she asked.

"The Temple is the Pai Zhuq academy," corrected Theo. "The place where Dai Shi was kept was just a room."

"A forbidden room," said Lily.

"But still a room."

Kali rolled her eyes. "It was reconstructed as a room as the years went on," she said. "When he was first locked away, it was just a cavern in the side of a mountain and the Pai Zhuq temple was built around it. Don't think you know better, Theo, my ancestors are the reason you exits, after all."

"Whatever," Theo muttered. He turned to Casey. "I don't see how an empty room can help us save RJ."

"There could be something there," said Casey. "We don't know; besides, RJ was the one who said go back to basics. Basic training can't be all he meant."

"He's right," said Kali, interrupting any rebuttal from Theo. "We're going."

Theo stopped her. "We only got into the Forbidden Room last time because Master Mao let us in," he said. "No one at the academy knows we are Rangers, and like RJ said when we first arrived, the Power Rangers aren't part of the Order of the Claw. We may not get in this time."

"You'll get it," said Kali. "Trust me."

"You sound so confident."

"Because I am."

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