Path of the Rhino

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"What are you looking for?"

Kali looked up from her book as Nikki stepped out of the Rock Porium and made her way up the steps. "A way to change an animal back into a human," she said.

"A reversal transformation spell?" Nikki asked. "They're really tricky and require a lot of magic. What happened?"

"Your sister... she captured this... kid 10,000 years," said Kali.


Kali stopped and stared at Nikki, her eyes wide. "You know him?" she asked.

"You have to remember that 10,000 years ago I was evil," said Nikki. "Human lives meant nothing to me. Things may be different now, but I have to admit that I haven't thought about Flit in a long time. How do you know him?"

Kali returned her gaze to her book. It was hard sometimes to remember that Nikki had once been an evil vampire that had tried so many times to destroy her, especially since the human she had become was so kind-hearted and helpful.

"He helped us save RJ," said Kali. "But then your sister returned and took him captive again. I promised him that I would find a way to reverse what Camille did to him. But I have been researching all night and can't find anything."

Reaching over, Nikki took the book and examined the front cover. "Well, you're not going to find anything in Myths and Legends: Creatures of the Mystic Realm. Is something else going on besides Flit?"

Kali rubbed the space between her eyes and shook her head. "No. I just read when I am stressed," she answered. "I've done it since my brother disappeared, people just never really noticed.

Nikki nodded and returned the book. "How is life in Ocean Bluff?" she asked.

Kali shrugged. "Same as it was in Blue Bay Harbour and here, I guess," she said. "Well, the one differences between Blue Bay and Ocean Bluff is the Love Triangle."

Nikki chuckled. "Yes, that was an inconvenience for you Rangers," she said. "It was an opportunity for the Ten Terrors, though. They wanted so badly to exploit it."

"They did try," said Kali. "Hekatoid sprayed Nick and I, remember? We lost our morphin' abilities, so when Serpentina attacked, we were left behind and she picked the others off one-by-one."

"Ah, yes, good times," said Nikki.

Kali rolled her eyes.

"Okay. So, it was good times for Necrolai," said Nikki. "You know, when I was Necrolai, you intimidated me."

"I intimidated you?" Kali asked, surprised.

Nikki nodded. "You took to being the Hellhound so much faster than any other guardian, and your powers seemed to grow every day," she said. "It was fascinating to watch, but also a potential danger to both sides of the gate. I'm sure you've been told that the Hellhound is neutral, right?"

Kali nodded. "Daggeron told me after I destroyed Imperious," she said.

"Yes, that was a crucial tipping point," said Nikki. "You could've easily crossed into the darkness."

"Guess my link to the light was a lot stronger than expected."

Nikki nodded. "It was how I knew you and Nick would end up together more so than you and Xander," she said. "You and Nick were, are, connected on a more spiritual level than just a physical one. The Hellhound and the Phoenix, the Good and the Dark."

"I guess that explains why we always got on so well," said Kali. "I mean, even as kids, Nick and I were inseparable. I remember when we were in the children's home, we refused to be adopted without one another."

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