One Last Second Chance, Part I

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"This is useless!" Kali growled, slamming shut another book and shoving it away from her. "There is nothing in this whole place that tells me how severe a mental link between the Crystal Eyes and the Masters."

"That's because there isn't a way," said Eithne, calmly.

Kali shook her head. "There has to be a way!" she said, turning on her mother. "There's a spell for just about everything else. Why not this?!"

"Magic isn't the answer to all your problems, Kali," said Eithne. "Sometimes, life is just messy. Things happen that we can't control, and you have to accept that."

"NO!" Kali yelled. "No! I don't have to accept anything. I didn't have to accept you abandoning me as a newborn, I didn't have to accept Joe leaving me when I was sixteen, I didn't have to accept the challenge of stealing a car, and I most certainly didn't have to accept becoming a Power Ranger, just like I don't have to accept this."

Eithne sighed. "Those times were different," she said. "During those times, you either didn't have a choice, or your choices led you to that path. Yes, you could've walked away from stealing the car, but you didn't because you were going through a rough patch. You learned your lesson at the end of that, and you walked away unscathed."

"And what am I supposed to learn from this lesson?" Kali asked. "That magic is only available when it wants to be? Magic saved you and Leanbow. Why can't it save Finn, Phant, and Swoop?"

"I wasn't trapped under the control of the master's mentality," said Eithne.

Kali's angry glare softened, and her shoulders relaxed as she looked up at her mother. She blinked slowly, and then turned on the spot, heading for the Dragon's mouth.

"Where are you going?" Eithne called.

"You weren't being controlled mentally by the Master," said Kali. "But Leanbow was. Koragg was the result of the mental hold the Master had over Leanbow. If I can figure out how he overcame that link, maybe I can use it on the Crystal Eyes."

"Leanbow got his memories back by absorbing the virus that Imperious used against you and the others," said Eithne. "You can't infect the Crystal Eyes with a virus."

"That was the first time," said Kali. "What about the second time? What about when you and he were protecting the lake where the Master was trapped? Something obviously happened them for you both to break cover and come save us, remember? We were fighting Black Lance and Megahorn."

"The rules of Darkness must always be followed," said Eithne. "Black Lance broke the rules by trying to help Megahorn defeat you. That is why we intervened. To give you a fighting chance."

"Yes, but you broke your own rules of leaving the Master unguarded to come help us," said Kali. "If we can figure out a way to get through to the Masters, maybe we can them to severe the link themselves."

Eithne shrugged. "How do you intend for them to do that?" she asked. "If there was a way, don't you think they would've done it by now?"

"Maybe they just need a little help," said Kali. "Isn't that what the Mystic Force are for in times like this? To help. We created the Pai Zhuq to protect Dai Shi. We can't turn our backs on them now."

Eithne sighed. "What do you have in mind?" she asked. "I assume you have a plan?"

"Of sorts," said Kali. "But like you said, life is messy, and plans don't always work."

"What do you need?"

Kali swallowed. "Not yet, but soon, I'll need backup," she said. "Think you can do that for me?"

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