Tigers Fall, Lions Rise

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Passing through a tree, Kali quirked an eyebrow as Casey landed on the ground at her feet. "Training's going well for you, I see," she joked.

"Hey, welcome back!" said Casey, getting up and dusting himself off. "Wish I could stick and chat, but I'm doing the element of surprise tactic with the others."

"Ooh. Then let's give them a real surprise!" said Kali, taking out her sunglasses. She grinned at Casey. "Ready?"

Casey nodded.

"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!"

Kicking off from the ground, the pair burst out of the bushes and landed between the others. They each gasped, bending at the waist as either Kali or Casey punched/kicked them in the stomach and knocked them backward.

"Hey, no fair!" Lily cried.

"The exercise was element of surprise," said Kali, slapping the back of her hand and then her palm against Casey's. "What a better time to pull a double."

Casey chuckled.

Sharing looks, the four others regrouped. Lily and Theo slid their glasses onto their faces, while RJ prepared his morpher, and Dom tightened his grip on his own.

"Ready?" RJ asked.


"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!"

Kali smirked as she pushed herself backward, narrowly avoiding a punch from Lily. She landed and caught Dominic's arm, as he flung it across her chest. She kicked off from the ground, pulling herself up on his forearm and kicked out, hitting Lily in the chest.

As Lily rolled across the grass, Theo jumped over and rushed at Kali. She ducked his high kick and swept his other foot out from under him.

"Woah!" Kali gasped, as hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her backward. She rolled over onto her knees and started to rise, crossing her arms over her head, and blocking a downward strike from Dom.

Dom laughed. "Haha, too slow," he said, triumphantly.

Kali shook her head and twisted her wrists down his arm, gripping it in her hands and pulling herself up. Startled, Dom tried to wrench his arm backward, only resulting in pulling Kali the rest of the way. She landed on her feet, and kicked up, colliding her knee with his side.

"Gotcha!" said Dom, reaching around and holding onto her leg. He pushed and twisted it, causing her to flip sideways.

Kali stumbled as she landed, spinning around in a full circle. "Not bad, Dom!" she said.

"Hey, you got to take every opportunity with you," said Dom, shrugging.

"I guess being a veteran has its perks," said Kali. She clenched her hands tight and held them up, almost as if she were preparing for a boxing match. "How's your foot work?" she asked, lunging toward him, and swinging her fist forward.

Dom ducked back, and brought up his arm, blocking the fist.

Kali nodded in approval. "We'll make a fighter out of you, yet," she said.

"Heh! Thanks," said Dom. He clocked Lily creeping on his from the left and ducked her incoming fist, spinning wildly to fight her.

Sensing an approach, Kali turned and pushed her fist out colliding it with RJ's.

"Damn! I should've guessed you'd hear me," said RJ, chuckling.

"I guess I should thank Sensei for the Ninja training," said Kali. She flexed her wrist around, parting RJ's arms and rushed forward, hitting him in the chest with two fingers. "Come on, Wolfie."

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