Spirit of Kindness

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Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

"Badrat and Rammer will gather some humans," said Scorch, indicating to the newest choice of Phantom Beasts.

Badrat was dancing around Rammer, throwing sand into the air, and chanting his name.

"We will keep them here," Scorch continued. "So, we can harvest their fear whenever we want. We will have a never-ending source of power."

Badrat stopped his dancing and turned to Dai Shi. "We're fast," he said, dodging around Rammer.

"We're a team!" Rammer added.

"We'll catch 'em and shake 'em..."

"... and make 'em scream!" the duo finished.

Camille grimaced. "They can rhyme," she said, her focus settling on Scorch. "But can they capture the Rangers?"

"In time, the dust will work on humans," Snapper explained. "But the Rangers have animal spirits that must be worn down before they can be captured."

"The hardest will be the Hellhound," said Scorch. "She is protected by more than just an Animal spirit. Her magic will not be so easy to dampen."

"No more dangers," said Badrat, drawing Dai Shi's attention to him.

"Soon you will have all the Rangers," both Badrat and Rammer chanted. They turned and walked out, passing Whiger on his way inside.

Dai Shi sat up straighter in his throne. "General Whiger," he boomed, his voice dangerously calm. "You stole the Red Ranger's tiger spirit, and even though he was weak, you could not destroy him."

"He was not alone," said Whiger.

"Excuses!" Dai Shi bellowed, his voice echoing around the room.

Instinctively, Whiger stepped back and then fell to one knee. "Of course, my King, I will accept whatever punishment you deem necessary," he said, bowing his head.

Standing, Dai Shi approached Whiger. "You no longer need your Rinzin power!" he said, creating an energy ball in his hand. He threw it at the General, absorbing the last of his power into his own body.

Whiger howled and fell to his knees again as his life force was absorbed from him.

"You are banished from the Phantom Beasts!" Dai Shi ordered. "Leave here, and never return."

"As you command," Whiger whimpered, picking himself up from the floor, and fleeing before Dai Shi changed his mind.


Kali watched as Nick and Aidan carried the eleven-year-old's thing across the loft and towards the bedrooms. While he was enrolled in Casey's class at the community centre, Kali had asked RJ if he minded Aidan moving in with them at the loft.

"Thanks for doing this, RJ," said Kali, turning her back as the pair disappeared. She smiled at RJ and Rylie, both of whom were in the kitchen, making smoothies. "It really means a lot to me."

"Couldn't very well put him out on the street, could I?" RJ asked. "Besides, it may be good for us all to have him around."

"You never told us you had a kid?" said Rylie. "How come?"

Kali shrugged. "Aidan's history is sensitive, and I didn't want him to think I was talking about him with just anyone," she said. "I know you're my team and family now, but still."

"Fair point," said Rylie. "But, he's not yours, biologically, is he?"

Kali shook her head. "No. His mother died when he was a kid, and his father disappeared - not by choice of his own, I'll add," she explained. "Anyway, I was called in to investigate, being the Hellhound and all that, and I guess I took a liking to him."

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