Dash for the Dagger

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"Morning," Lily greeted Dominic as she scooped a laden of pancake batter into a skillet. The mixture sizzled and the smell filled the room.

Kali's stomach grumbled as she looked up from her book. "If you're making bacon with those pancakes, I'll take a stack," she said.

Lily smiled.

"Thanks," said Dominic, taking the glass of orange juice that Casey handed him. He took a mouthful, swallowed, and then looked around at his team. "I dreamt of Master Mao last night."

Laying on the sofa, Theo sat up and swung his legs around, resting his feet on the cool kitchen floor. "Master Mao?" he echoed.

"What did he say?" Lily asked.

"It was more of a memory," said Dominic. "Of the day I left Pai Zhuq. He came be a Control Dagger."

Kali furrowed her brow. "A what dagger?" she asked.

"A control dagger," Dominic repeated. "It's about yay-big," he indicated 6-7 inches with his fingers. "All he said was someday it'll help guide me on my path."

"Maybe it's not just a legend," said RJ. He was sitting cross-legged in the loft with Rylie, both of them had been meditating.

"What's not a legend?" Dominic asked.

"The Control Dagger," Rylie answered, getting to her feet. She wandered over to the bookshelf and removed a thick black tomb from the third shelf, when she returned, she opened it to the page she needed and revealed it to the team.

Dominic nodded. "That's it!" he gasped. "That's the Control Dagger."

"The Dagger is the key to the Rhino Nexus," RJ explained.

"Rhino Nexus?" Kali asked, looking confused.

RJ nodded.

"I've heard of that," said Cam, wandering in with Tori in tow. They had decided to stay a few days, and either cancelled or delegated their lessons back at the academy to Shane and Dustin.

Kali raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Is someone going to explain to us what it is?" she asked.

Cam smirked. "In the Jungle of Spirits, there is this tree, and at the top is the powers of the Rhino," he answered. "But without the Control Dagger, no one can get through. If you have the Dagger, then you just walk on in. At least, that's what the legend says."

"And I possess the spirit of the Rhino," said Dominic, turning back to his friends. "So, maybe, unlocking the powers of the Rhino is my destiny."

Kali looked around at Dominic. "Tell me you have the dagger," she said, closing her book.

"I stashed it somewhere safe," Dominic said, reassuringly. "I'll go get it, be back in a flash!" He grabbed his jacket and took off.

Theo sighed as everyone looked at him. "Hey, Dom, wait up!" he called, taking off after him.

Kali turned back to Rylie and RJ. "Does that book say where the Jungle of Spirits is?" she asked. "Or at least where this tree is located?"

"Well, yes, but you're not going to like it," said Tori.

"Please don't tell me," Kali groaned, closing her book, and pinching the bridge of her nose.

Tori offered her a sympathetic smile. "Cimmerian Forest," she said, nodding.

"Oh, come on!" Kali whined.


Kali slid to a halt as the latest monster swooped down from destroying a building. He landed a few feet away, gearing up for another attack when Casey's shout of 'stop' caused him to turn.

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