One Master Too Many

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Kali looked up from her book as Casey brushed past her and entered the kitchen. She frowned, closed the book, careful to mark the page she had been reading, and followed the energetic tiger cub. He was pestering RJ as he tried to make the next batch of pizzas.

"Wait, let me guess..." said RJ. "Six horses, a toilet plunger, and a wireless mouse."

"What?" Casey asked, confused.

"Sorry. I thought that might have been the answer to your question," said RJ, shaking his head. "Go ahead."

"I know this is a sore subject -"

"Sore like in muscle pulls," RJ interrupted. "Or sore like in subjects I don't want to talk about?"

Casey hesitated.

"I'm guessing the second one," said Kali, startling the pair.

RJ sighed. "Look, Casey, you trust me, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, course," said Casey. "You're my Pai Zhuq master."

"Then why do you want another?"

Casey opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the ground shaking. A scream caused Kali to spin around and duck back out into the restaurant, a little girl was standing in the middle of the room, a refill in her hand. She was staring at the ceiling as it crumbled, while other panicked patrons ducked beneath their tables.

"Everyone remain calm!" Rylie called, rushing through the room.

Kali slipped past Fran and picked up the little girl. She held her tight, pressing a hand to the back of her head and carrying her behind the counter. "Stay under here," she said, storing the little girl beneath the shelf. "Everything's going to be okay."

The little girl nodded, tears streaking her face as fear reflected in her eyes.

"Kali, let's go," said Lily, racing out of the kitchen with Theo and Casey in tow.

"Coming!" Kali called. She looked down at the little girl, winked, and then motioned to Rylie about her.

"Go," said Rylie, sliding in behind Kali. "I got her."

Kali nodded and took off after her friends. Firing off a quick text to Nick as she left the restaurant.


Appearing at the beach, Kali looked around.

"Not fair!" Casey whined. "Why didn't you teleport us, too?"

"You didn't stick around long enough," said Kali. "We should morph just to be on the safe side."

The other three nodded and the four of them slid their glasses onto their faces. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" they called.

"Do you sense anything?" Lily asked Kali.

Kali nodded and looked around, searching the beach for any signs of a disturbance. "There!" she said, pointing a little further down. A waterspout had started to form over the surface of the water, sucking the salty liquid into the sky.

"Welcome, Rangers," Camille called, appearing beside the water spout. "Where's my manners? Allow me to introduce your welcoming party." She snapped her fingers and a load of Rinshi bounced along the beach.

"Ready?" Casey asked.

The others nodded and split off, meeting the Rinshi halfway.

"We meet again, Hellhound," said Camille, finding Kali in the fray.

"How disappointing for me," said Kali, blocking a hit. "I was half expecting someone that is more of a challenge."

Camille growled and stepped back, transforming into her chameleon armour. She pulled her Sais from her hips and flung them at Kali.

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