Five Fingers of Poison

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Kali rolled her eyes as she walked into the kitchen of Jungle Karma pizza, her phone pressed to her ear as she spoke with an unknown voice on the other end. "Uh, you guys do realise that the toppings go on the pizza, right?" she asked, looking between Lily and Casey.

"He started it," said Lily.

"Nuh-uh!" Casey argued.

"I don't care who started it," said Kali. "But RJ, Rylie, or Theo is going to freak if they walk in here and see this. It's too early to be hearing one of them shout. Please clean this up." She headed upstairs, continuing her conversation.

"Wow. You sounded like a total mom then," said Vida.

Again, Kali rolled her eyes. "What is it with everyone calling me 'mom'?" she asked. "First Cam, then Tori, now you."

Vida laughed. "You must be giving off that vibe," she teased. "Personally, I think you'd make a great mother."

"Not going to happen."


"Whatever. Anyway, this conversation is supposed to be about you and your upcoming nuptials. Where's the Groom?"

Vida snorted. "Have you checked the time yet this morning?" she asked. "Chip's still snoring his pretty little head off."

"Lucky for some," Kali muttered. She checked the time on the wall. 11am stared back at her.

"Are you eating pizza for breakfast?" Vida asked.

"No. But someone is," said Kali. "Chip would love it here, more specifically, he would love RJ. The guy's most popular pizza is the Thrilla Gorilla, and it has banana as its main topping."

Vida laughed. "Careful, or he'll try and get the reception dinner booked at JKP," she said.

"Oh god."

Still snickering, Vida managed to calm herself long enough to ask, "Can you do these plans with just me, or should I wake sleeping beauty?"

"Nah. I think you and I can manage for now," said Kali, taking a seat at the kitchen table. She pulled her notebook towards her. It wasn't much, just a journal/diary that she had been sent by her parents for jotting down important dates, like when they would be back in town, or when they had planned a dinner with her and her sisters. Everything in it felt premature, to say the least, seeing has she hadn't seen her parents since the last time they had been home two years ago.

"Alright. What's first on the agenda," said Vida.

Kali's gaze skimmed over her journal entry. It consisted of a title - Wedding Plans - and then a list of things that (1) needed completing, (2) that needed booking, and (3) that needed approval from the bride and groom. "First, did you manage to look at the pictures I sent you?" she asked. "We need a hairstyle for the bridesmaids."

"I haven't looked at them yet," said Vida. "I plan to do it today. I'm not in work until this afternoon, so I'll have time this morning. What else you got?"

Kali jumped as the alarm blared from across the room. "I got evil downtown," she said, standing and swiftly making her way over to the monitors. She looked up as Casey, Theo, and Lily rushed up the stairs from the kitchen, each one looking as nervous as the other.

"Let's go!" said Casey.

"V, I -"

"Go," said Vida, and Kali could imagine her shaking her head. "We'll pick this up later. Good luck."

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