Chapter 8: Hungover

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*Flashback *


I grumpily stood from the table, leaving my half-eaten lettuce salad.

"Yeah?" I asked my dance instructor.

"Are you eating again?! You'll get fat!" She said as her face literally turned into a tomato.

"Yes I am Mrs. Ainsley. Don't worry I won't gain a pound." I lazily answered.

"Don't be rude. Let me remind you that a lot of 14 year olds are vying for this position you are in. Don't take it for granted."

"Yes madame."

"Fine. Go practice with Tiana."

I headed to my friend who was stretching out, doing splits.

"Hey,what's up?" She asked as she saw me approach her.

"Nothing. Same old same old." I said as I tied my curly brown hair into a sloppy messy bun and then sat beside her.

She chuckled then just slightly shook her head.

Suddenly, someone sat beside us.

"Hi. I'm new here. Can I join you?"

That voice.

*End of flashback *

My head. Ughh. Pounding everywhere.

I dreamt about it again. After all these years.

I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. Brown walls. A twin sized bed with green covers. Ok, this is definitely not my bed.

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