Chapter 5: In 3 days

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"OMG! I cannot believe your dress for the prom. Kay, you're impossible. " Hilary face palmed as she scolded me for my prom dress which was hung on my closet.

It was a black short tubed leather-ish dress with studs on the top and It was pretty and so Gothic. I bought matching black boots, net stockings and net gloves to match it. Oh and I plan to wear my 'typical' makeup(evil victorious smirk to those who judge my style, e.g. Hilary , Rhea, etc) .

"Why so, Hilary dear? I know you love my style and idolize yours truly. It completes you, Britney and Rhea. " I said.

She rolled her eyes then continued putting mascara on her eyelashes.

It was the annual Serrville High Batch President Party. The Presidents of each batch were to conduct a batch party at their house or a party venue. There were chaperons for the Freshie and Sophomore parties but for the Juniors and Seniors, well you'll guess they were trusted to be 'responsible'. Luckily, the party was 2 days before school starts so I was saved from another day of a tiring all day shopping-for- nothing which is translated as Hilary looking for her perfect prom dress. Well, she's a better shopper at the last minute.

Right now, we were at my room preparing for Jewel Gertrude's 'best SHBP party'.

Rhea was in the shower , Hilary's putting makeup on her face and I was debating whether I should wear tights, dress or shorts.

Suddenly after what seemed like forever, Rhea finally went out of the shower, but of course that meant she was done. She always dresses up in the bathroom and I could never do that properly. I was always either still wet or whatever.

"Still aren't done? "she asked while fixing her curls.

" I.. just need to dress up. " Hilary said as she pulled out a paper bag, it read: The Department Store .
"Isn't that what you bought a week ago? The one you said you'll wear on Monday? " I asked.

"Uhm.. yeah? I guess. But, I figured this would look better in a party. A cool casual party. " she reasoned.
I nodded slightly then shrugged. Hilary smiled sweetly then went to my bathroom.

I groaned remembering my outfit dilemma. Suddenly, Rhea sat beside me. She wore a silver glittery off shoulder top , pink skinny jeans , strappy silver gladiator sandals and those cute bangles of hers. She looked very pretty even in such light makeup.

"Sooo? " she asked.

"I have nothing to wear. "

" Oh. " she said then started to rummage through my closet.

I let her and my mind drifted to Vast universe. After some time, Hilary went out just as Rhea smiled at me triumphantly.

She held my black skants (skirt- pants ) and pulled out a white tank top and my fave denim polo jacket.

I thanked her, happy that she figured what I wanted before I even figured it out. I stood up picked up my black Chuck Taylors and got dressed while my two best buds, talked about Ian Somerhaulder and Nina Dobrev.


"Welcome, welcome. Come in beautiful batchmates." Ziegler, the Junior SC Board's Relations Officer, greeted.

We smiled back at the tall muscular dude who looked 20 instead of 16.

We entered the party and was greeted by the loud, obnoxious party music. Everyone were either dancing to Nicki Minaj's irritating song(I'm sorry to her fans I just really hate her) or drinking at the pantry turned bar.

"Ahh the awesomest and most gorgeous ladies of the batch minus one of course. " Jewel greeted us, obviously drunk.

"Hey Jewel. " Rhea greeted for us.

"Hey Barney! Why is Anger wearing that short and revealing dress? Oh hello Okay! " she finished babbling as she slapped my shoulder. Real hard.

Hilary actually changed into a striped black and white tube dress with a transparent bow flats instead of the other outfit. She had a plastic smile on her face as she was mistaken or called 'Anger'.Well..

"Ok, I'll leave you now, enjoy! Ba-bye!" Jewel said then left.

"That was... welcoming. " I said.

They both shrugged then we headed to the bar.

"3 punchbowl drinks please. " I said to the guy whose head was hung low. He nodded without looking up then got the drinks.

The three of us waited and as he handed the drinks, my eyebrows creased and I sighed. Argh. You can guess who he was. Darn it.

Hola! Hey there readers! What's up? I'm sorry if the chapters give little information about the plot but it will get exciting! This is one of the few books I've written without the ending yet so I'm so nervous and excited but I don't wanna disappoint so I'll give longer and more sensible chapters. Ok?

Hope you're enjoying and it's pretty obvious who the bar guy is so... yeah. Don't worry it'll get more exciting. I PROMISE!

Bye for now. Don't forget to comment, vote, suggest, and follow! :)


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