Chapter2: The Weird Pretty Dress

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"I'm here!!! Oh my gawd it's so traffic! Why did the avenue to your village have to be so far from home and near the main road? Seriously, how do you survive going to school or to the mall? " my other bff, blonde brown- eyed friend, Hilary complained.

"Geez, Hilary, haven't you been to a highway? "Rhea asked

Actually, the three of us were supposed to meet at the kiosk. Unfortunately, they closed early so Hilary had to follow to my house instead. Well, I couldn't blame my friend. It was always really traffic. Besides, I cannot bear to get mad to her right now after what she is going through.

Her grandfather was accused of stealing loads of cash from the company he's working for. Although we all know he's innocent, many are trying to put him to jail.

"Next time, we'll meet somewhere near. I'm sorry, Hilary."I said

"Ok, ok. Apology accepted. Now, what do we do?" she asked while suddenly rummaging through my closet.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" I asked

"Ugh, why are all your clothes black and denim? Are you a wannabe rockstar or what? " she asked without looking at me

"Ooh we all have different senses of style! Mine's simple and classy, Britney's the southern colorful chic, Hilary's the girly whimsical girl and Kay's the Gothic rocker. Cute,we are all so complimentary to each other!" Rhea explained.

"Ooh Fascinating. " I sarcastically said.

"You're mean and so corny. Oh and a big party pooper." Rhea said while fake pouting.

"Awww, sad for you. " I countered while trying hard not to laugh.

Then she playfully shoved me. Ahh, my friends. I smiled at Rhea who started to read my Seventeen magazine, August issue. I slightly shook my head then continued putting black nail polish on my nails.

Suddenly, the sudden eerie silence was interrupted by my dear friend, Hilary's shrieking.

"Ohmigosh, Kay, I did not know you own such a pretty and glamorous dress! " she exclaimed.

I looked up from what I was doing then saw what my friend had found. My eyes widened then I gasped. I stood up then grabbed the dress. Hilary looked at me weirdly and confused. I looked at the dress and stared at it for a moment.

The dress was a silvery turquoise tube dress with super tiny frills on the hemline. The edges we're decorated with specks of glitter and from the bottom it faded from turquoise to sky blue at the top. There was a fair amount of shimmer all over and after all these years, it still looked beautiful and magnificent.

Suddenly, Rhea spoke, suddenly realizing the commotion, "What's going on guys? Why is Kay crying?"

Hilary stared at me sympathetically and shrugged at Darlie.

"I am not cry- " I stopped as I felt cold tears trail down my face.

"I'm so sorry, Kay. What's wrong? " Hilary asked, concerned.

"I... I.. "I trailed .

"What's wrong? "Rhea mimicked Hilary, same concern evident.

"I don't want to talk about it. " I said as I wiped my tears off.

The thing is, this dress is from my past in Elmirwood. It's a small city, 3 towns away from here, Serrville. And my past is something I never talk about, especially with my friends.

The truth is, I moved here 2 years ago, back in sophomore year. I've moved for 3times now, Serrville being the 4th. My family originally lived in Delmarva, a super small town 8 states from here. I lived there until grade school. We moved to Wruamarr which is a bigger city and was 5 states away from here. I stayed there until I graduated grade school.

Then my next stop was Elmirwood ,where all hell broke lose. It was the most dreading phase in my life. Now since sophomore year, my aunt and I now lived peacefully (I hope so) here at

Serville. There were things that happened at Elmirwood that I don't ever wanna talk about. Ever.


Hey there guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger chapter. I just want it to end that way and also, forgive me for posing such short chapters.

Anyway what do you think? Does my writing technique convince you to read on? Any suggestions? Questions? (please also vote and follow moi and my books) :) {sorry if the French is wrong or is it correct? Anyone nice enough to teach me French? Or Russian? Maybe British? }

Ok, ok I'll shut up.. for now. :)


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