Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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Chapter 9: The Aftermath

"B-Brent?" I stuttered.

He stared at me for a while, before sighing.

"It's a long story. Do you really want to know?" He asked.

I nodded as I bit my lip. He's making me nervous.

He removed his embrace and made me face him.

"What do you remember?" He asked gently.

Huh. What do I remember?

" The last thing I remembered was when you punched that guy who, uh, tried to uh, you know.."

"That's it?" He clarified. I nodded abruptly.

"Gah.. How do I put this.. " he muttered.

"Brent.. Just please tell me.. You're killing me by prolonging the agony. Just please."

"Ok. Okay.. Well you fainted. I called for Rhea but she was too wasted and engrossed with the presence of "the hottest and funniest guy in the Milky Way Galaxy -Gosh why did I only know him now- " Ziegler Farrh, her words not mine. " he slightly chuckled.

"Ziegler? If she was sober , she won't talk to him." I shook my head.

"I figured. Anyway , since she was busy, I looked for Hilary. Mind you, it was a difficult task since I was carrying you the whole time, and you were heavy-" I cut him off as I hit him on his shoulder .

" Ow! Hey, I saved you from the aftermath agony of an irresponsible person's partying tradition." He grinned. He looked boyishly handsome with that cheeky grin.

"What?" I laughed.

He smiled, then suddenly masked a serious face after staring at me intently.

"Look, I'm going to tell you everything, then you can leave. Okay?"

"Yeah." He's weird.

"Basically, Hilary just shouted profanities at me, as I interrupted her dance with Casper Enoch, you know player/jock extraordinaire , and told me to f*ck off. Some friends you have. Anyway, I tried looking for a number on speed dial in your phone besides them. Unfortunately, your phone's dead. "

"So being the good guy that I am, I brought you here and did not leave you in the streets, or worse, that party. To explain the shirt and boxers, you were all but puking and sh*t so your clothes stunk of alcohol. So I changed your clothes and cleaned you up. Don't worry, I didn't molest you, nothing happened, all lights were closed, so I saw nothing. That's pretty much it."

"That's it?" I reluctantly clarified.

"Yeah. Can you leave now?"

"I guess. Thanks."

After that, I stood up and gathered my stuff. Brent lent me a pair of loose black basketball shorts and a maroon shirt which was too large for me.

He offered to give me a ride and I agreed considering I still felt nauseated.

"You gonna be ok?" He asked as he pulled over my house's driveway.

"I guess. Thanks for everything. I'll give these back in school." I said as I gestured towards what I was wearing.

"No problem. But, hey, were still not friends." He said as he opened my door for me, leaning in front of me.

"Yup. Still not friends." I said as I went out the car.

I was a few steps near the door when suddenly he honked.


I turned, raising an eyebrow.

"Next time you get drunk, sing a better song than Taylor Swift's 22, okay?" He shouted , a hearty laugh trailing behind the car's retreating figure.

Damn him.



Okay so that was short like crazy, but at least, I had something..

Pretty please, DON'T BE A SILENT READER. Those that read this CONTRIBUTE to my DREAMS and I really want to PERSONALLY THANK YOU BY SOMETHING SIMILARLY SPECIAL like a VOTE or DEDICATION or whatsoever.. Okay?


Lots of love,
Kriss ;)

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