Chapter 19: The End and the Beginning (Continuation)

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Chapter 19: The End and The Beginning (Continuation)

So this should've been posted earlier but wattpad somehow made this half disappear when I wrote it in the previous part so I came up with this part to make sure it'll be posted. Again, I use my measly phone so yeah. Classes were suspended so yay my presentation's postponed. Lol

I shut up, I talk more later hihihi.


I gulped. "What are you talking about?" How did he know about him?

"Trevor. The guy you love. The guy that I think broke your heart. Who is he?" He asked with his face as blank as ever.

"It's none of your business." I said then turned and walked to the table wherein I grabbed my bag.

"TELL ME! I need to know!" he shouted.

Before I could reply at his sudden outburst, a deep, authoritative voice interrupted us.

"Is everything alright here?"

I turned around and saw a man who looked like he was in his late 40s and he wore a crisp gray suit that added to his slightly scary aura.

"Yes. She was just leaving." Brent said but I couldn't read his expression so I didn't know how he felt.

The man nodded, "I need to talk to you,son." He then left to go upstairs.

I then gathered my stuff up and got ready to leave.

"Kay, wait-"

"It's fine. I'm really leaving anyway."

I began rummaging through my bag and thankfully found a shirt. I wasn't planning on borrowing his clothes after all he did.

"Please, let me at least drive you home?"

I just nodded absentmindedly.

"Well, you can prepare up in my room. We'll leave in 10 minutes, if that's fine with you?"

"Yeah. Hurry up."


A few minutes later, I waited for Brent to look for his keys as I sat in the living room sofa.

"You're leaving?" Hadley pouted as she sat beside me.

"Yes. It was amazing to know you " I sincerely said as I hugged the kid.

"Promise, you'll come back soon?"

For some peculiar and awful reason, I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

" Hadley?"

Hadley removed her embrace on me and looked at her dad. "Yep?"

"I need to speak with your friend."

"Okay. But, Angel, do you promise?" The kid looked at me, pleading.

"Yes, of course. Now go play. I'll see you soon cutie." She seemed satisfied, so she left, once again clutching her little action figure.

"I hope not." Brent's dad said, a few moments later. " I hope I don't see you again soon."

I remained a blank expression. But it hurts like before.

"I don't like you for my son. He has a lot going on in his life and he doesn't need another kid to babysit."

"Stop dreaming! You'll never be good enough for him! Get your mind out of the gutter. You aren't, and will never be, happy because you're not good enough!"

"I completely understand, sir."

"Good. Don't wait for me to be the one to deal with the problem"

Then Brent appeared," found it. You ready?"

I slightly nodded.

"Don't forget my advice. It'll help you. Brent , go straight home for our talk. You two take care. "

"Yes, dad." Then we left.


"You sure you want to go home?"

"Yes, Brent. Thank you for the ride." I said as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Look, about what I said-"

"It's fine. Forget about it."

"But I was crossing the boundaries-"

"I said, it's fine. Now, goodbye Brent." I said then went out of the car.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Why did that feel like it was going to be the last time, I'll see you, and the last time you'll talk to me?" He said as he hugged me from behind.

The tears. "What are you talking about?" I faked laughing.

"You sure, it's just my imagination?"

I faced him. "Yes, loser." His beautiful eyes gazed at me skeptically.

"Okay. Bye, Nightingale '' he said as he tucked a loose tendril behind my ear. I closed my eyes then sighed.

"Bye Brent." I said as I hugged him tighter then moved away.

He hesitantly left then saluted. I weakly smiled at his retreating figure.

As he left, I turned, the tears falling like endless waterfalls.

Yay! Finally. Lol it's crappy and all over the place and I don't like it except the last part. Lol, when did I ever. But yeah.

Ice cream yahooo. Tell me what you think lol. The one who guesses the twists/ next happenings/etc. gets a cookie. Lol ;)

Vote/Fan/Follow if you deem the story or me wortgy.

I love you all so much


Imma watch Underworld. Kate Beckinsale ♥ woo Lycans and Vampires

Kriss ♥

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