Chapter 17: The Friendly Rivalry

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Chapter 17: The Friendly Rivalry

"Okay, now ,  let's discuss the prose of your research assignment. I hope you printed a copy since we will be pointing out the relevance to today's society..."  Ms. Devant started as I tuned her out.

It was a typical Monday afternoon and I was in my last period, creative writing class. I was tired, gloomy and felt like whatever I do, I can't seem to focus on anything.

"Ms. Nightingale?"

Ugh. Why did I have to be so affected anyway? Where was the emotionless Kay?

"Ms. Nightingale!"

I looked up and saw Ms. Devant slightly glaring at me as she tried to get my attention.

She sighed. "I was asking you your reaction on Lorrie Moore's article and your stand on the issues we pointed out that's related to it. "

What? Lorrie Moore? Who the heck is she talking about? What were we talking about?

Suddenly, I saw someone in my peripheral vision raise her hand.

"Yes Ms. Dawson? "

Hilary stood up and said, "I kind of see Lorrie's point and she presented it kind of ironically, as she was presenting a fictional account while subtly revealing the problems of our generation today with regards to choosing their field and somehow, their view on the significance of writing. I say it's very eye-opening and inspiring."

Oh we were talking about the research assignment.

Ms. Devant nodded." Very insightful Ms. Dawson. You may take your seat. Ms. Nightingale? Is there anything you want to add to that or argue with Hilary's point? "

I cleared my throat. Oh great. "Nothing ma'am. Although I would like to point out the fact that while she wrote in a fictional account, the purpose of her article is obviously stated in the title, which is "How to become a writer" and I believe the way she presented her points were kind of misleading, not ironic. Moreover, you wouldn't be able to really get the main insights at first glance. "

Ms. Devant nodded her head vigorously. "Your vision is precise Ms. Nightingale , very good. Please sit. Now, I'd like to conclude..." She said as I tuned her out. Again.

As I sat I saw Hilary slightly glare at me. I saw that she was seated beside Britney who seemed to say something that kind of calmed Hilary down. Oh great. Like I needed this.

After a few minutes, the bell rang, signalling the end of the period. Students scrambled out of the room while I tried to linger on to make sure I avoid my friends because as lonely as I am, I can't talk to them right now. It'll make things worse, considering I don't even know why they're mad.

As I saw that the coast was clear, I went out of the room and went straight to my locker.

"Kay." I froze on the spot.

"Really? It's real mature of you to do-"

"Hil, don't-" Britney cut her.

"Shut up. Kay! Look at me."

I turned. "What? " I barely whispered .

"Did you think I didn't see what you did back there? You have the nerve to do that after what you've done-"

I cut her. I was pissed. "What I've done? Tell me, Hilary, what did I do to you guys? Because as far as I'm concerned, I didn't do anything. And back there? I wasn't trying to humiliate you or what. For once, swallow your stupid pride- "

"Kay, don't say-" Britney tried to interfere again.

"No, Britney, let me finish." I said, " Huh, Hilary? Why don't you try to be rational? What did you want me to do? Look stupid by not expressing my point just to make everybody believe you're always right? News flash, sister, you aren't."

"You bitch. You think you're so great. Don't act all innocent, Nightingale. We both know you know what I was talking about. Unless you're really stupid ."

"Then why don't you tell it to my face?! I'm tired of your games, Hilary! I'm tired of seeing Rhea and Britney avoid me just because of your petty issues and insecurities. Tell me your problem with me, for Pete sakes!" I shouted, earning looks from the remaining students.

"Fuck you, Kay. Fuck you." Hilary said as she left and Britney trailed after her.

I massaged my head a little as I ran away towards the exit. As I reached the parking lot leading to the bus stop, I felt a pair of warm arms engulf me in an embrace.

I looked up and saw Brent, his eyes closed as he hugged me. My arms remained flailing at the sides.

"Don't talk. I'll take you home." He said as he continued hugging me.

And then I felt hot tears flow from my eyes.

I was safe.



So it's short and crappy. I know I'm sorry.

So, I'll be real busy after the weekend and I really don't know when I'll be free so maybe we'll just have to resume to my usual updating schedule which is pretty much one chapter every month. Lol. Sorry. I'll try.

Anyway, don't stop supporting me I love you all so much it means a lot. Thank you thank you you're all angels. ♥

Vote, comment, share and fan if you feel like it.

Oh link to the article :

"How to become a writer or have you earned this cliche?" By Lorrie Moore

Til the next time :))

So much love,

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