Chapter 10: Silent Treatment

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Chapter 10: Silent Treatment

"What happened to you?" Hilary asked.

It was the first day of school and I was the prize winner , note the sarcasm , of driving Hilary,Rhea and I to school. Hilary is currently interrogating me on my accused "ditch" on them while Rhea was staring into oblivion, thinking about something I clearly can't guess. Again, sarcasm.

"The question is, what happened to friends stick together?" I said. Yup, I was b*tchy in the morning and I was kind of extra pissed today.

"Okay, what's with the attitude?"

"Look , I'm still tired and kind of pissed Hil , so please can we let things slide first then we'll talk about it later. Okay? " I sighed as I turned left to enter the school parking lot.

"Fine." Hilary huffed, crossing her arms and leaning back the back seat.

The school's atmosphere was your typical setup. Students gathered in groups, catching up with one another. Your expected cliché of social cliques and divisions. Just a normal and typical high school.

"GUYS!" a voice we'd recognize anywhere shouted as we exit my car.

"Hey Brit. How's Adelaide?" I asked our friend, Britney O'Hara as she draped an arm over my shoulder.

"Marvelous! Although I regret not arriving sooner so I could attend our supposed very first wild batch party." She laughed. If only she knew.

Honestly, among all of my friends, I consider Britney the closest thing I have as a best friend. Yes, trust issues still prevail but we have so much in common, we never stop having topics to talk about.

"Oh you were lucky to have missed it. But I could've used your helpful self." I whispered.

"I'm intrigued. In the meantime.." She whispered then turned to Hilary and Rhea, still having that mischievous glint in her eyes.

"So! How are you guys? You two seem awfully and suspiciously quiet." Brit greeted the two.

"I'm stressed out. " Rhea muttered.

"I'm not in the mood." Hilary bluntly answered.

"Hil, that hurts right here." Britney said as she pointed her heart.

Suddenly, the bell rang, thankfully just in time as we entered the school halls. Here goes nothing. Then we went our separate ways.


"Brent!" I shouted as I see him among the swarms of people that just went out of their classrooms for lunch period.

He turned around and looked around, confused, until he spotted me. I waved a little. However, he just snorted and continued walking away. What's his problem?

I hastily ran after him. As I reached him, I grabbed his arm and made him face me.

"What the hell?" He hissed.

"What's your problem? Silent treatment? Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Look, don't be too comfortable with me. We're not friends, okay? What happened before, stays just that-a memory." He bluntly said

Ouch. That hit me pretty hard.

Fine, be like that. "Works for me then. I wouldn't have to pretend being acquainted with someone as egotistical and pretentious as you." I said then stomped away, without even gaging his reaction. Damn him.

I walked back to my locker, carelessly throwing my 3rd and 4th period books on my locker while scrambling for my History and Arts stuff for my after lunch subjects.

"Someone's in a bad mood." Britney greeted as she unlocked her locker which was located beside mine.

"Don't start with me."

"Really, I'm hurt. Rhea's been staring at nothing ever since I last saw her. Hilary's been rambling on and on about how you basically ditched them, but you know me, I ain't concluding yet .. And now you're all but wreaking havoc on your locker ." she said .

"Sorry. Everything's just messed up."

"I figured. Speaking of twisted, how come you know Brent?"

I looked at her, skeptically as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"Elaborate why it is twisted that I talk to someone besides the three of you."

"That's not what I meant you know. I mean, you barely know the guy and he's always hanging out with Hilary's brother and you never acknowledged him."

Say what?

"He's friends with Coby?"

"See, I told you."

Okay, major confusion problem here. How come I never noticed him before the mall incident? Don't blame me, Hilary never reacted to him too, you know.

"Whatever. It's a long story."

Finally, we reached the cafeteria and sat on our usual table, Hilary and Rhea already settled.

"Hi guys. What took you so long?" Rhea asked, kind of peculiarly perky.

"You seem happy." Britney told Rhea.

"School can have this sugary effect on me " she giggled.

"Are you high?" I dubiously asked

Hilary stared at me,like she was weighing me out or something.

"Can't a person just be happy?" She said

"Okay, enough of this nonsense . it's the first day of school and you're all spreading bad vibes. Can we please rewind and be jolly ?" Britt scolded.

"I'm good." Rhea said. Seriously, why is she acting stupid?

"Hil?" Britney faced hilary.

She rolled her eyes. "Sometimes, the people you'd take the bullet for ends being the one behind the gun, controlling the trigger." She grabbed her tray then left.

"Hilary! Wait!" Britney followed suit.

"What's her problem?"

"Honestly? I don't know Kay. Ask yourself. " rhea sighed then left me alone, dumbfounded.

What's wrong with these people?


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Love ,
Kriss 😘😘😘

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