Chapter Nine

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My own trembling body woke me up, the sweat on my neck and chest soaking through my shirt. I sat up quickly, my shaking hand going to my neck to ease my breathing.

There was a worn blanket on me, one I hadn't remembered grabbing, covering up the lower half of my body that was still bare of clothing. My free hand was clutching the edge of it so tightly that the tips of my knuckles were turning white. My fingers were stiff.

My head began throbbing as my eyes looked over and caught a still sleeping, half-naked Sorin. He was splayed over the ottoman, his chest rising and falling slowly. I touched my head, rubbing my temple in slow circles. Barely light outside, I knew I'd only gotten a few hours of rest, but the thought of going back to sleep made my stomach clench.

It took a minute -partially from my hangover and partly from my still trembling body- to gain the strength to stand. Slowly, I forced myself to walk to the discarded clothing and sort out mine and Sorin's. I dressed with minimal difficulty, ignoring my still sweaty blouse. My eyes caught the three empty whiskey bottles and the empty wine bottle. I went rigid. Did I really drink that much? I mean, makes sense since I slept with that fucking, drunk asshole. I groaned and threw a glare at Sorin though I knew he was still sleeping.

Downstairs, the Viper's Den was already stirring. I sat at my usual table that had a good view of the entire floor yet was still tucked expertly away in a corner, and I completed a few more plans in my small journal. Felix came around with coffee without me asking. I only met his knowing gaze and took the cup sourly. Minutes went by before I heard the door open and light -nearly soundless- footsteps toward me.

"You will never guess what I just heard on the street," Rafe said, sliding onto the booth next to me. I barely gave him a glance, just an irritated sigh. "You don't want to know about this morning's gossip? Who are you and what have you done with Vera?" He laughed and motioned to Felix who gave him coffee.

I rubbed my head. "Oh, no, please do go on," I said in a monotone voice. "I'm sure whoever cheated who or whoever had an affair with who will greatly affect my morning and cure my hangover." Rafe smiled.

"This piece of information might." He straightened his shoulders to face me and smirked. "Killian's dead. His place got robbed last night, and the bandits made out with 10,000 Eros. Apparently, he screwed over Draven -dipped into his funds- and was caught." I finally turned to him,  intrigued. Killian was Draven's treasurer... and brother-in-law. Killing family wasn't unheard of amongst gangs, but Draven was new to this life, having just been passed down the Blood Wolf name. I didn't know he had it in him.

"Torture?" I asked.

"Of all kinds. Draven's sister caught some Guardian officers in the street and made a full claim against him, spilling all his dirty laundry. They've since arrested Draven and I hear he's going to have a full trial." I raised a brow.

"Well, he's certainly having a fun time."

"Don't you see, Vera?" Rafe smiled, tapping the table. "This could be our chance to take the Blood Wolves down. Once and for all. " I shook my head softly.


"No?" Rafe asked, dumbly. "They're without a leader. They're falling apart-."

"Exactly. They'll fall apart by themselves. If not, other gangs will gladly swoop in and take them down. The Blood Wolves won't go down without a fight, and I don't want to deplete our resources for the inevitable. We stay low." Rafe swallowed and nodded, leaning back into his seat. After a moment, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope.

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