Something importnat pls read

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Hello everyone, as you all know this story is discontinued and to be clear I don't think I will ever update again. But I do want to spread a message that I have been thinking about for a while. I have been getting more involved into my religion and turning to be a person for Jesus Christ. I understand that not every one believes in him and that's ok I'm not forcing or asking you to drop whatever you believe in. It's just a part of my religion to share his word and make it know to everyone that he is real and he will come back to earth one day to gather his followers and take us to heaven. One thing I don't want to happen to all you beautiful people is for you guys to be left behind. I'm sure everyone in their right mind would chose to live peacefully rather than going and burning forever anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️. But again keep in mind that I'm not forcing it's just part of my religion to share and again you don't have to it's just something I have to do but I genuinely do care about all of you and want what I think is best for you. Just remember that if you think no one loves you Jesus does and you will forever have him if no one else. Also I have been seeing this thing where it's saying that if you are gay you might not go to hell because it was a mistranslation. Basically saying that it wasn't talking about gay people but pedophiles. Even if it's not true give it a chance as it could be and there is still a chance you can go to Heaven. 😊✝️ I also am discontinuing this story bc I don't think it's ok for me to ship REAL people. I think it could make the members uncomfortable. Bc think if it this way, you are friends with someone and know for a fact you don't like them but people around you keep shipping you and your friend together. Wouldn't that make you want to distance yourself from your friend or make the friendship uncomfortable? Because I know it would make me uncomfortable. I'm not saying that people that ship them are not good fans or anything I'm just saying to be cautious of the members feelings and realize that they are people and not characters. I also am thinking about writing a story with fictional characters. It will be a (character) x reader. Idk when I'll release it but if anyone is interested it'll be on my page. I hope all of you are doing well and are healthy and just know i may not know you personally but I am here for you and if you ever need to talk I'm here and can listen willingly and carefully.

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