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I will update the story soon but this is more important. As some of you guys may know George Floyed was Murdered and yes I mean murdered. The police officer was charged with third degree murder but this is not justice. It is not justice because this was first degree Murder. George and the officer knew each other which means that this was a premeditated crime and it should be charged as first degree. But what makes me even sadder is that this is not the only time another black has died because of the color of their skin. Almost instantly after George's death. A black woman or child if you will was thrown off of a building. And she had no weapon her mother actually called the police to help her daughter because of something mental. I am a person of color and for all of this to be happening hurts me. I cry just thinking that maybe that can be me if I go on a jog one morning or if walk around my neighborhood. It's not fair and it is not justice but hope that you all understand that being mean and hurting us is not the way to go. I don't want to say that all cops are bad because they aren't but at times like these it seems like it. I don't want to see a police officer and fear for my life because I am scared that they might shoot me. I am tired and hope that all of you are too. This stuff is really putting me in some emotional distress but I will update tomorrow or sometime today pls start educating yourselves and try to make a revolution because the way things are going all of us (poc) will be dead or in jail. Thank you to the ones who read this good bye.

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