Part 13

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Lisa's POV

I don't care what I have I have to do I will get my husband back.

Just as me and my brother got into the car I heard him ask "so I know that apology was fake what are you gonna do to get him back" he said with a smile on his face.

He always knew me so well.

"I honestly don't know I love him with all my heart but that stupid omega ruined my relationship and I don't care if I have to KILL Jimin I will" I answered with nothing but pure honesty.

I just couldn't let my husband go. He is my everything. I just can't live without him. I won't live without him and I'll do whatever it takes not to.

Jungkook's POV

I knew Lisa wasn't being serious when she said sorry. I am not an idiot. I knew what fake tears looked like when I saw them.

I know how she is and if I am correct she will probably come after Jimin in a week or so for revenge.

She always will try to do anything just to get what she wants. What a spoiled brat.

I looked down and saw my baby sleeping in my arms. I realized I was tired and went upstairs for a nap, but not before I made sure I reenforced the guards and security systems.

AN: sorry it took me a while to update I was really tired these past few days and haven't had much time to rest but I am better now😌☺️ anyways don't forget to vote,comment and have a nice day BYE

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