Part 2

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Lisa's POV

God where is he? I have been waiting for at least 20 minutes. Oh, there he is. Why is he smiling so much he must be happy to see me. (AN:hahahahahahah that's funny she actually thought he was happy because of you 😂😂) He comes over to me and I open my arms to hug him. "Oh hi Lisa I didn't see you there" he said. "What do you mean isn't that why you smiling so much because of me right your omega" I said. I mean of course I was mad I'm his omega. I'm the only reason he should be smiling. Well me and our future baby. "Oh yeah of course you were the reason I was smiling" he said with a nervous laugh.

Jungkook's POV

Oh no I was almost caught. I can't let Lisa know I have fallen in love with someone else it would break her heart. I just hug her and fake smile. I don't even know how I fell in love with the cutie but it must be their scent they smell like peaches and cream. One of the best scents on earth to me. "I love you so much" I hear her say. "Mhm" I say back. It just doesn't feel right anymore. "I can't wait to meet our surrogate today" she says. Oh yeah at least I can get to meet my future child's surrogate. I hope we get along with them.

Time skip

Finally we arrive at the place to meet the surrogate. Let me just tell you I have never been more excited in my life. We both get out. Lisa tries to hold my hand but I start moving rapidly to act like I'm really excited so she can't get the chance to hold it. We arrive inside the big building. "We are here under Jeon to meet our surrogate" I say to the lady that looks like she in her mid 40's. "Oh, you will go to floor 3 room 13" she says. We leave and as soon as I get in the elevator I hear Lisa say "are you excited or what?!" She says with a huge smile on her face while hugging me. "Of course" I say kind of uncomfortably.

Lisa's POV

What is wrong with him why is he acting so differently. "Are you okay" I ask him. "Yeah of course just nervous that's all" he said trying to reassure me. I smiled believing him.

Jungkook's POV

The elevator made a singing sound signaling that we were there. We both got off and walked to the 13th door. I opened it and saw the cute baby boy omega from the store. "Hi it's you again" I said with a smile on my face

Jimin's POV

It's the hot guy from the store but he has an omega which means I got no chance. But that won't stop me from trying. I mean anyone with eyes can definitely tell that he was uncomfortable holding her hand while she was smirking like I thought she was a threat. I'm obviously better looking than her so I'm the one that should be smirking but I'm a nice and innocent person so I would never behave like that. "Hello, I'm Park Jimin will be your surrogate. So let's sit and get to know each other" i said to the couple. "Well I'm Lisa and this is MY alpha Jeon Jungkook" she said putting an emphasis on my. "Hi I'm Jeon Jungkook and I'm an alpha nice to meet you Jiminssi" he said with a sweet smile and a nickname that made me blush. He let go of Lisa's hand and shook mine. I realized that his hand was much bigger than mine was. Lisa loomed like she was fuming. But Jungkook didn't care he continued to shake my hand for what seemed to be ages. "Okay that's enough hand shaking" Lisa said while separating us and hugging Jungkook. I have to admit I was a little jealous but I didn't show it.

Jungkook's POV

Finally I have met him again the most beautiful omega of all time. If only Lisa would stop hugging me. "I'm sorry but can we talk in private for a little while" I say to my angle. "Yeah of course" he says in the sweetest tone ever. Me and Lisa walk outside of the room. "I just remembered I don't have sperm inside a jar to give to Jiminssi" I said. "First can you stop calling him that and second it's okay you can just make some" she said. "I will not stop calling him Jiminssi and I was thinking what if I put the sperm in him myself" I said nervously. "WHAT" she said loudly. "NO I WONT ALLOW IT YOU HAVENT EVEN HAD SEX WITH ME YET" she said with tears in her eyes. Okay now I had to make up some kind of story. "No just listen I heard that this one surrogate had a sperm put in her and the baby died because it was put in wrong" I lied to her. "Oh then guess I wouldn't want our baby to die that probably would be the best decision. Let's do then" she said smiling. "Yeah let's do it" I repeated. I happy beyond words.

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