Part 15

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okay now it's time for the actual story Jimin is so pretty.

Jimin's POV

It feels like forever since I have seen my mate (A/N: btw yes both of them know that they are mates but neither have taken a chance to make it official)

I honestly really miss him. J in miss his scent and his smile and hi—

*sound of a doorbell*

I looked and it was the love of my life. I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I possibly could.

"Well looks like someone missed me" he said with a smirk on his face. I couldn't even be mad at him for teasing me because I really did miss him.

I hopped off of him and looked into his eyes. I know it might sound like I am overreacting but when I'm not with him it feels like I might die. (A/N: this is normal for all mates who first meet in my story only because I made it up for this story only)

"Let's watch a movie now" I said while dragging him towards the sofa.

"Okay, what do you want to watch princess" he said while looking for the remote.

"Maybe a scary movie, like child's play" I honestly didn't know what to watch. So I just blurted it out I have never regretted more than I regret this in my life.

I could see him look me up and down before he answered with " are you sure you won't get scared love" he said with pure worry in his voice.

"Y-Yeah  why would I get scared don't you see I'm a total many m-man" I said with both hesitation and fear striking through my body but I just couldn't take it back now.

"Okay whatever you want darling" he said while hugging and turning to Netflix to play child's play.

I'm not even going to lie I have never been so terrified before but I had already said that I wanted to watch this movie so I couldn't take it back now.

The movie had just started but there were gunshots that scared the heck out of me. So I just took his hand and held on as tight as I could.

He must have noticed this because he picked me up put me on his lap.

"I'm a manly man huh" he asked with a smirk on his face and sarcasm in his voice.

Just looked down while blushing. I can not believe I really said those things.

I just looked up and continued watching the movie. Gosh I wish I didn't.

Just as I looked up their was  another jump scare. I hid in his chest quickly and tried not to cry as best as I could but of course he noticed that to.

"Okay it looks like that is enough tv for tonight. It's time for bed" he said while turning the television off.

He picked me up and we went into His room to sleep. He looked at me just as I was yawning. "Looks like someone is sleepy. We'll take a shower in the morning princess" he said to me with a smile on his face.

We both laid down I was expecting him to cuddle me but instead he just laid down with his back facing me. I was disappointed but I didn't do anything. I just laid down on my back and tried to get comfortable with no success.

I turned towards him and tapped on his back with a bright pink blush in my cheeks. He turned around with a confused expression.

"Can we cuddle" I asked with total embarrassment written all over my face.

He smirked and nodded his head. I scooted over and laid down on his chest.

"Next time on you don't have to ask if you want to cuddle" he said while looking down at me and smiling. I smiled back at him and finally was comfortable and able to sleep peacefully.

A/N: I hope every liked this chapter it is one of my longer ones I hope you like the fluff. I also hope everyone is doing well and is safe pls continue to wash your hands sanitize and wear your masks pls. Don't forget to vote and be happy. I love everyone who is it has read my book and also thank you for 800 reads I am so happy and great-full for everything. Byeee 😊⭐️🌈🌟✨

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