Part 3

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Jungkook's POV

Omg she said yes. SHE SAID YES. I get to be with my love. Okay now I just need Jimin's approval and then I can get what I want. "Okay but on one condition" Lisa said. "And what might that be" I ask her. "You have to spend an entire three days with me" she said. Either spend three days with this woman and get to be with my angel or don't spend three days with her and don't get to be with my angel. Jiminssi you better be glad I love you. "Okay deal you are the love of my life after all" I lied to her. We go back in the room together.

Jimin's POV

They are taking quite a long time. I wonder what their talking about. They walked back in and Kookie looked nervous. "Jiminssi" he said. "Yes" I asked? "We were wondering since I don't have any sperm in a jar if I could put it in you personally" he asked me. I was perplexed but what is scary is that his wife wasn't saying anything. She actually looked like she was about to cry. I kind of feel bad but at the same time I don't really care. "Give a chance to think about it" I said. Of course the answer would be yes but I kind of wanted to get on her nerves so I pretended to think. I took a glance over to her and I saw the hatred and jealousy on her eyes as she stared at me. In order to make her madder I was going to say yes. "Okay I'll do it, for the baby of course" I say sweetly. "YES THANK YOU SO MUCH" the bunny boy spoke loudly. Me and his wife looked at him strangely. "I mean thank you" he said. "Why is this so important for you guys anyways if you don't mind me asking that is" I said softly. "Well I heard on a new website that they put the sperm cells inside this woman and the baby died because of them being put in wrong" he said. "So be thought it would be better for the baby if he put them in himself" Lisa said in low devastated voice. I do feel band but I can't do anything about it. I love him and I feel as if he lives me as well. You can't just break apart a bond even though that's what I'm kind of doing. But I guess their wasn't much bond in in the first place. "Oh well yeah you don't want the baby to die now do we" I said. "No of course not" Lisa said while rolling her eyes. "Well I think since Kookie is going to be putting the cells inside me personally we should get to know each other on a one on one kind of way. Don't you think Kookie" I said to him and Lisa. She was fuming with rage she turned to her husband and he had the most precious smile on his face. "Of course I think that is very necessary. I don't want it to feel awkward, like I'm putting my sperm in a random person" he said. I was smiling as well by this point. "Fine I'll allow it" Lisa said without really having a choice.

Lisa's POV

I can't believe I feel like this make omega is taking my husband from me. I mean just this morning he was waking me up from my sleep with kisses and now he is smiling and wanting one on one time with a prettier omega. I just thought after we had our baby we could mate and even give out r first to each other. But I can't back down he is MY husband and I have known him longer. In these three days I will show him why I'm better than this his Jiminssi or whatever he calls him. I will show him just why he married me and not Jimin. Why he loves me and not Jimin. I might not be prettier or as nice or have as nice of a body as Jimin but I have Jungkook's heart and that's all that matters.

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