Chapter 9

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Hey! Many apologies for the inconsistent updates! Ive been dealing with some lovely life stuff, and I went on vacation with my family yesterday, so until  around July 12th, the updates may be a little less frequent or unplanned, but I'll try to get back on schedule. Having said that, I hope you enjoy!

~Tobirama POV~

Tobirama jolted awake as he felt strong arms restrain him, pulling him backward. Falling back, he felt sharp stones cutting into his spine. Hissing in pain, he quickly rolled over, preparing to go into a battle stance before he felt a hand slam him back down.

"Hello, Senju," a voice mocked.

Tobirama shuffled underneath the body, pinning him down, staring up at whom the voice came from. Pale white hair shone underneath the moonlight, a knowing grin spreading over their face.

Tobirama growled at the smug man, shaking himself out of his restrainers hold. He promptly stood up, launching himself at the taller man. "What the hell, Uchiha bastard? Why the fuck did you kidnap me in the middle of the night? No wonder... There must have been a Hirashin on your clever scroll you sent me yesterday, huh?"

Madara laughed and waved his hand. "No need to get so hissy Senju, I had to get in contact with you somehow!"

Tobirama's face darkened. What the hell was this idiot thinking, pulling such a stupid stunt, especially in the middle of war times?

"You couldn't have just sent me another scroll to meet up with me?"

"Wheres the fun in that Tobi~" Madara sang, mocking Hashirama's awful nickname with the same singsongy voice. Tobirama internally shivered at the thought of the brown-haired man putting him in a chokehold, which was a gentle hug by Hashiramas standards.

Tobirama grimaced before lowering his guard and settling back down before looking at the other. "So we are both back. How's the clan?"

Madara sighed and rolled his shoulders, settling down into a non-defensive slump. "Clan politics are even worse in the Senju. Those pompous old geezers..."

"Uchiha clan politics are just as bad. I swear, your little brother is like a sarcastic version of Hashirama. Just as clingy and annoying, but also sassy," Tobirama squinted his eyes, looking over at Madara.

Madara huffed and crossed his arms, "Your brother is a very suspicious bastard, but I got him off my back... or rather, he's even more clingy. The man doesn't know the word personal space or no, does he?"

Tobirama smirked. "Sounds like him," Tobirama opened his mouth to continue his train of thought before he was cut off by the sound of rustling leaves and a thump onto the ground.

"I KNEW IT!" A voice cried out, an accusatory finger stretched towards the two men.

The moonlight hit the person's face, revealing that of Touka Senju. Tobirama's eyes widened in shock as Madara paled at the sight of the kunoichi.


Tobirama stared up at his cousin in shock, not sure what to say as the kunoichi continued on her rant.

"It all started from those matching tattoos. I tried to believe it wasn't true, but here you are, looking at the moonlit river, all cozy together! I can't believe it! The next thing you're going to tell me is your running away to elope!" Touka collapsed to the ground, crying, hitting her fist against the rocks.

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