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Hey everyone! Just a litte announcement.. Zayn's 20! Yay! Okay, also.. I don't know why, but I was listening to this song while writing this on the right is the link >>>>>>

& It gave me more (lol) ideas & such... Werid, right? Haha! Mmkay, anyway... Here's:

Chapter 7:

**Jade's POV**

I was running probably the fastest I've even ran in my whole entire life. My breathing was so heavy, my heart was pounding against my chest mixed with fear and trying to get away. I pounded my feet hard on the concrete running, and running, and running. My side was starting to hurt, and my breathing was too harsh, I was starting to loose my breath. I heard the person chasing after me breathing heavily, too. I heard their footsteps coming closer, and closer, and the hard push of their feet on the concrete ran  through my ears. The beep of their feet getting faster, and faster as they were catching up to me. I felt my body giving up on me, but I couldn't stop! I had to keep going! As I pushed on the ground, I noticed I only could go two ways now.. Either in a dark alley, or the main street. It was dark out, so I couldn't really see down the alley that much, only a small street light allowing small light through, but that's the only way, either that or death from the horrible traffic. I turned left, which is the way into the dark alley, and started loosing vision. It was so dark, only one little streetlight keeping everything "lit" up a little more than the darkness it's already in, but still not a lot. I stopped running to catch my breath, and didn't hear anything other than my breathing. I walked a little bit forward, and then I heard another person's breathing, and I tried hard to keep it in, but from running so much, I felt as if I were to explode if I held it in any longer! I took in a big breath, and then started running again. There was another streetlight, so I could see clearer, but when I did , it's not what I wanted to see.. A dead end.

"Shit," I muttered and turned around, to see him running right towards me. I did all I could think of. I screamed. My first reaction. But nobody could hear me.. No one was going to hear me.. This was an alleyway, nobody really knew about. No one came down here, it was just me.. And him. The curly nerd I thought I could easily fool around and joke on, put not anymore. Now, it's vise versa.. But the worst part, is he's strong, and he can do much more than what I could've done.. He could sense my fear. He slowed down, and moved slower, and smirked making everything  more dramatic. I looked around him, trying to figure out a way to possibly get past him. When I saw there was a space I could run by him, that's exactly what I did. Ran. I went right and ran past him, only for him to start chasing me again. The streetlight was flickering which made it hard to see in this already too dark alleyway. I didn't hear footsteps behind me, so I slowed my pace and allowed my breathing to become easier. I bent down and placed my hands on my knees to catch my breath, then I saw two feet land in front of me. I looked up and gasped in fear. He smirked and grabbed me roughly. He lowered his lips to my ear, dangerously close to pressing them against my ear.

"I told you you're going to regret that," He whispered. Just then, he pushed me backwards, until my back suddenly hit the wall. I winced at the pain that rushed up my back, and then lips were pressed to mine. I felt his curls brushing against my forehead. I felt disgusted. I used all my strength to shove him off me, but I wasn't strong enough. He was pushed a little, and our lips were disconnected, but he just looked at me and smirked.

"Feisty," He said and licked his lips.

"Ugh," I said in disgust rolling my eyes. He chuckled and moved closer to me, but I quickly ran past him, but my luck being low he grabbed me from behind, wrapping his arms around my stomach tightly. I kicked, screamed, punched, and did anything and everything I could, but nothing seemed to work. In fact, his grip tightened, making it hard to breathe. "S-stop! I can't br-breathe!" I said gasping and his grip loosened and I was roughly turned around. I felt my anger boiling inside of me, him thinking he has control, and what he does. Before I could stop myself, my right hand came in contact with his left check making a slapping sound. It was hard and made his head slightly turn a little. I gasped and brought my hand up to my own mouth. He looked at me wide eyed, obviously shocked and then he clenched his jaw and balled his fists. I stood staring at him like a deer caught in head lights.

"You bitch!" He yelled at me lifting his hand, making me cover my face and he still hit me. "How do you like it, huh?!" He said and hit me again, harder. Then, he moved down to my stomach, but now I know it wasn't just hitting.. I knew it was now punching. I felt tears coming down my cheeks, and I let out little huffs and whimpers, pain rushing through my stomach and face. Then, he forcefully grabbed my forearms and shoved me against the wall, again making my head hurt even more. I closed my eyes and winced. My feet were lifted off the ground, and I was too scared to open my eyes.

"LOOK AT ME!" He growled, and I didn't. Just then, I felt a knee to my stomach making me sob.

"I SAID, LOOK AT ME!" He growled and this time I didn't object. I opened my eyes to see his normally bright green eyes, dark.. Almost black. Well, it was hard to see him because this dark alley we were in, but what I could see of him was an angry boy. He still had his jaw clenched and searched my face.

"Now do you know how it feels?" He asked me and I looked down. He placed my feet back on the ground, still holding my forearms tightly though. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look upward at him. I closed my eyes in pain, my neck aching.

"Well.. Do you?!" He yelled.

"Y-yes," I stuttered.

"Good.." He said and let go of me. He held his hand out to me. "Come on," He said. I looked at him confused.

"W-what?" I asked.

"We're going back to mine.." He said.

"N-no, I'm not touching you." I said and he closed his mouth and grinded his teeth.

"Yes. You're. Coming. With. Me." He said strictly- demanding through grunted teeth. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him, me almost falling from his sudden tug. We crossed the busy street, still our hands together and I basically followed him down the streets. What the hell is going on?! Why is he acting this way? What the hell is his problem?! Just then, we got to his house and he opened the door with the hand that wasn't in mine, and pulled me in front of him, making sure I went in first. Once we were both in, he closed and locked the door. He turned around and looked over my face and sighed. "Go to my room," He ordered and I looked at him and frowned my eyebrows.

"Why am I -"

"GO TO MY FUCKING ROOM!" He said pointing in the direction of his room. I hesitated, but then decided to listen to him and walked in his room. My whole body ached, thanks to him. I went in his room and stood there awkwardly. I felt hands placed on my hips, making me go forward on the bed. "Sit," He said and I obeyed. I sat on the bed, slowly due to my aching body. I winced trying to sit down, and then when I successfully did, he helped me take off my shoes and pulled the covers over my body. Why is he suddenly being nice?

He sat down on the edge of the bed next to me, and examined my face. I felt a tear stream down my cheek. "Shit," he muttered and brought his hand up to my face, and I flinched and he sighed. He lightly brushed his fingers over my cheeks and cheek bones, making me flinch and wince in pain. He sighed again. "If either of our mum's or anyone else asks, you fell.. Got it?" he said sternly.

"No one will know I did this," He demanded still eyes glued on my face, and he brought his hand to his side.

"No.. No! They deserve to know the truth!" I said and he looked at me, and frowned his eyebrows.

"No, they don't, and they won't.. Got it? You're going to listen to me," He said through grunted teeth.

"What if I don't?" I said sassing. He raised his hand, and I gasped and covered my face with my hand. I heard him chuckle and then he removed my hands.

"Exactly.." He said. "Now.. Go to sleep," He said standing up.

"I'm not tired," I said.

"You will be when you close your eyes..." He said standing in front of me as I was laying in bed.

"But I'm not-"

"Just go the fuck to sleep, or else!" He said pointing a finger at me. I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt a movement, and then lips pressed to my forehead. I shivered, and then they left. I kept my eyes shut. Just then, I heard footsteps towards the door, and then the door creaking shut.

"Sweet dreams," I heard before the door shut. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, and the up at the ceiling.

I have to tell.. I must! But how? When? I thought looking around, then stopping at the window, and a smile crept onto my pink lips.

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