Packing, Explaining, And Goodbyes

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Chapter 17

**Jade's POV**

I unlocked and opened the door, my mother standing there with an expression on her face that was basically telling me, "What the he.ll is going on in here?!" without any words actually coming out of her mouth.

"It's not what it looks like.. I don't even know why it's locked," I said. My mom looked at me, then Harry.

"Harry, your mom is going to be back soon, so maybe you should start packing your things for this weekend?" She said.

"Okay.. Can Jade come over to help?" Harry asked. I looked at my mom with pleading eyes. My eyes were screaming out "No!" but my mom totally ignored my cry out for help.

"Of course, I think she needs to help you out," My mom smiled. I mentally slapped her in the face.

 I was suddenly lightly pushed from the back, being forced to go down the stairs and out my front door, over to his house. As we got in his house, him locking the door of course, he motioned for me to follow him to his room. When we got in, Harry didn't look at me. Instead, he looked around his room before he finally spoke up.

"You know, I actually could use your help," He chuckled.

"Why should I help you?" I asked harshly. That's when his eyes turned on me, glaring.

"Because I asked you nicely. Now, or should I force you?" He questioned. I shook my head. He smirked in response. "Good girl." I cringed at his words. I hated how I gave into him. But I had to. I don't know what he'd do, but I had a pretty good idea, and I didn't want to actually have to get to that point to find out if I'm right or not; Which I pretty sure I am. I walked over to him, watching him as he grabbed random pieces of clothing before throwing them behind him to his right before stopping, noticing my stare. "So are you going to just stand there, or are you going to help?" He asked rather harshly. My eyes widened as I brought myself back to reality, out of my thoughts. "Ooh, right.." I said grabbing some shirts, "Sorry."

"S'okay," Harry responded, continuing to grab random clothing and throwing it on his bed. The shirts still were planted in my hands before I started to fold them, placing them in a pile neatly on his unmade bed. A shirt was suddenly tossed from him, hitting me in the head. I turned around glaring at him, although his back was facing me so he couldn't see. I rolled my eyes as I walked back over to Harry, helping. As I picked up another shirt about to fold it, it was unexpectedly snatched away from my hold. I turned my head to my right, looking at Harry with confusion.

"You're taking too long, Jade. It doesn't have to be perfect," He said before throwing it back with the already mountain pile of clothing.

"Jeez, Harry! How much stuff do you need?" I asked looking at it.

"Shut up," He hushed me.

"So sorry," I said giggling, holding my hands up in defeat. 

As Harry opened another drawer, we both went for the same shirt, our hands brushing up against each other's. I stopped, but Harry didn't seem to notice as he quickly took the cloth up in his hand. Just as I was about to pull out a pair of shorts, something caught my eye. As soon as I realized what I was seeing, my eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. Harry had condoms? I cleared my throat awkwardly before going back over towards his suit case, shoving the mountain pile of clothing into it. I heard Harry chuckle from behind, as he realized what I had just seen.

"Some things may surprise you," He said, but I didn't respond.


About an hour later, we were done packing. I was surprised when Harry didn't do anything besides packing. I wasn't complaining, though. 

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