Oh Crappy Monday

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I'm fucking sick and stayed home from school today, so here's another chappie for ya'll who have been waiting.. Hope you're happyy.... x HERE'S:

Chapter 11:

**Jade's POV**

I decided to get ready for school tomorrow. I got all my books and stuff together and set them neatly on my desk, and then looked in my wardrobe for something to wear. I decided since it's really cold out and tomorrow's a Monday, I'll just wear something comfortable and be lazy. I just grabbed a light blue sweatshirt that would make my eyes pop, and Victoria's Secret yoga pants with UGGs. I lay it down on my chair and smile. I yawned. "God, why am I so tired?" I said aloud.

"Why were you born?" I heard his voice behind me. I turned around and met his gaze.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Why did you have to open your big fat mouth? " He said and came closer.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked backing away.

"Why?" He asked waiting for an answer to his own question, not bothering answering mine.

"It was just a joke Harry," I said.

"Well it wasn't funny to me.. Does it look like I'm laughing?" He said coming closer, faster.

"Okay Harry stop.. I get it, I'm sorry," I said

"Oh you should be," He said and he grabbed my upper arm tightly.

"H-Harry! Just st-stop!" I yelled and he covered my mouth.

"Shhh," he cued in my ear and then I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek.

"Bitch," he said and pushed me on the bed. I looked up and he was walking away from me, towards my door. "See you at school tomorrow," he smirked and left. And there I was, just sitting on my bed terrified and confused. Why? So he can tease me, but I can't give it back to him? Oh.. I don't think so.

I brought my hand up to my cheek and felt it stinging. I winced and pulled the covers over my body and tugged them close. I just wish I could fall asleep and never wake up... It'd be a whole lot easier. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me....


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned and pushed the snooze button on my alarm.. Well, more like punched it. I looked at the clock to see it was already 6:30AM. I jumped out of bed and quick went to my bathroom. I closed the door and quickly stripped out of my clothes. I turned the water to the shower all the way hot. I let the steamy water hit the floor a couple of minutes before stepping in. I did my shower routine and then just leaned my forehead against the wall. What's so bad about auditioning for the X Factor anyway? I mean.. His mom really wants him to do it, so he must be good right? Or maybe he isn't... Maybe he's one of the worst singers ever? Ha! I'd like to see that.. Him getting up there and humiliating himself. That'll teach him, eh? Even if he would really hurt me afterwards. It's worth a shot, to see him embarrassed for at least five seconds.

I got out of the shower, and turned off the water and stepped out. It felt like Antarctica out here! I grabbed a towel off the rack and quickly dried off. I wrapped my towel around my head drying my hair. I looked in the mirror and brushed my teeth, and did my normal makeup.. Mascara on top and bottom eyelashes, and concealer. Nothing too much. I also added lip gloss. Then, I let my towel fall down from my head and wrapped it around my body before opening my door into my bedroom. I got dressed in the outfit that I picked out yesterday and then brushed my hair. I let it dry naturally into natural waves. Then I grabbed my books and purse and headed downstairs. I know my mom's not here, so I just left.

I got into my car and looked over to see Harry.. Getting into a car? Strange.. I shrugged it off and drove myself to school.. I wonder what it's going to be like today.. After everything that happened over the past days with Kenzie and Zach.. And Harry.. Oh, like Harry's really going to do anything at school, he's the curly headed nerd! Nobody cares about him!

After a couple of minutes I finally- unfortunately arrived at school into the school parking lot to see Zach's car and Kenzie's... And the one Harry was driving all already there.. Oh what a crappy Monday.. I thought as I turned off the car and opened the door to get out...

Comment &vote yo.. Also, check out my other fanfic, Are You Afraid? (One Direction Fanfic) - AYA? (ODFF) if you havent alreadyyy!!! <3 LOVE YOU.. MUAH! X


p.s. >>> HAZZA IN THE CHAPPIE >>>>>>>>>>.

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