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Zayn's going to be 21 in only two days, guys! D: THEY GROW UP SO FAST! And then my birthday follows the day after his, woot woot! I just want to know what you all think, how old do you think I am based on my writing, personality, and profile picture? Comment your predictions, belowwww :) X

Chapter 22: 

**Harry's POV**

I had just gotten off the phone with my mum telling her we'd be there in only a few moments. I felt both nervous and excited as we reached closer and closer to my flat. I was excited to see everyone, especially Jade. But I was also nervous. I haven't seen her in such a while, now. She'll look the same, right? It doesn't matter. I'd still love the way she looked. With her bright blue eyes that sparkled, and such more tinier frame than my own. I could tell I intimidated her. I didn't mean to... Most of the time. I couldn't wait to feel her own lips against mine, twirl little bits of the ends of her long blonde hair around my finger before letting it fall back down onto her stomach. The feeling of her body against mine. I already feel overly joyed just imagining it. I know I needed to stop, though. It's not like I could hop up on her just like that. We hadn't done anything, yet. So we had to wait. Although I didn't know how long I could. I felt as if I were a hungry lion, and she was a piece of fresh meat right in the middle of the jungle. Right there, pure and fresh, ready for any second to just take it. But I couldn't. She meant too much to me to just be able to do that. I knew she;d want to take things slow, so I'd respect that. I wouldn't want to rush into things, either. Only for her to regret them. No, I wanted it to last. I needed it to. Because I needed Jade. I needed her. 

As we arrived, I felt the nerves settle in. It felt nice to have the lads and I get to come to my flat, first. I was overly tired, though. I needed rest. I needed to feel her body next to me. I needed to hold her in my arms, feel her head on my chest as my heart fluttered and picked up it's pace just by the feel of her. I needed it. I truly did. And I couldn't wait for the moment when I could receive it. 

I hadn't realized the boys were already out of the vehicle, before I heard the last slam of the door. I quickly got out, running away from my thoughts right now before my mum answered the door, letting us in. I was last. "Lads! Come in, oh!" My mom said, racing toward me only to hug me tightly. I grew much taller since the last time I saw her. Time really did seem to fly, and it sucked I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I'd hope. But it only makes the time we do have to share and spend just even more special. 

"How was your flight?" Robin asked. 

"It was real good, yeah. Real good, right lads?" Louis answered looking at us as we all nodded. We were all exhausted.

"Well we're glad you're finally here," my mum exclaimed pulling away from our embrace. My eyes searched for her, until she was spotted. She took my breath away. She was just... Wow. Every time I saw her kept on getting better and better. She was so beautiful, so pure and innocent, so perfect. I was disappointed she wasn't looking in our direction, but down at the floor. I wanted to see those beautiful blue eyes, again. So damn badly. Just as if she read my thoughts, her head lifted up before those eyes I so badly was longing to see reached mine. A smirk made it's way on my face before my exhaustion seemed to slowly fade away as I made my way over to her. 

**Jade's POV**

As Harry trailed his way over to me, I couldn't help but feel my anxiety get the best of me. His eyes never left mine as he kept getting closer, and closer toward my direction until he was directly in front of me. His height certainly used to intimidate me, but hardly as much as it did now. It made me gulp. He was at least 5'11 or 6 foot, whereas I was only 5'6. I had to tilt my head upward to look fully at his face, whereas he looked down at me. A smirk was set upon his face as his green eyes sparkled down looking into my own blue ones. He could tell how nervous I actually was.

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