Going Back Home

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Chapter 15

**Jade's POV**

I stayed under the tree just looking around trying to figure everything out for a while.  I was probably here for about an hour, if not two. I just needed space from everything. I needed space from everyone. Everyone seemed to get on my nerves, especially Harry. That boy was sure the definition of annoying, and disgusting. 

After awhile and it started to get dark out, I decided I better get up and go back to the hell hole. Sadly, I had to. I had no other place to go but there. So, I must.

I got up from under the tree, and stretched. I mean, I was here for about two hours so my knees and back were killing me. Slowly aching. Probably will be like that for the next couple of days now. 

As I walked back to where I was dreading on going, I looked around. The flowers showing, the sun going down, and the children who still were playing, laughing, enjoying life. I smiled. I wish I could go back in time when I was that small. Nothing worried or bothered me, I didn't know what was bad. The only "bad" thing was if I could in trouble and got told to sit in a time out. Now, I'm living in a world full of trouble, with no escape.

I kept on walking, already feeling tears forming in my eyes. I hate everything. I know hate is a very strong word, but I just feel like at this moment it's the exact word on how I feel. Hatred. Towards everything, and everyone around me. I know I sound like a bitch, but it's almost that time of the month anyway. So my emotions are all mixed matched right now.

As I was walking home, I couldn't help but think about what it's going to be like when Harry goes to the X Factor. I mean, I shouldn't get my hopes up because, well.. I've never heard him, so he might not be good. But I really hope he is, because I wan't him gone. G-O-N-E. GONE. I'll pray every night if I have to.

My life would get straight again. Because with him in it, just makes me miserable. But if he left, I'd be one of the happiest girl's on earth. For that time, until he comes back. But if he stays, he'll probably be even more meaner because, he'll one be embarrassed, two never wanted to do it in the first place, and three makes him feel better when he hurts me so basically, he'd ruin my life a whole hell of a lot more. If that's even possible. Because I'm already thinking about suicide.


It took me long enough to get back home, but when I did, all the lights were off. I went up in my room, and lay on my bed, not bothering to turn on the light. I didn't really care to be honest. All I want is sleep. All I need is sleep. Then, my bed shifted. But it wasn't me. I wasn't alone. I gasped when I felt someone's arm snake around my waist pulling me against their chest.

"There you are," He whispered before kissing my temple. I felt both uncomfortable, and scared.

"W-why are you here?" I stuttered.

"Your mum told me to stay in case you came back," He said holding tightly onto me, acting as if he was never going to let go.

"Where's my mom?" I asked.

"Out looking for you..." He said and deeply breathed in before letting it on, making the hair on the back of my neck straighten. Especially when I felt his cold hand on my stomach, under my shirt. I gasped at his cold skin, him rubbing it.

"You're hot," Harry whispered lowly in my ear. 

"You're cold," I said.

"I didn't mean it in the temperature way," He spoke in such a soft whisper, I'm not even sure you could even call it that.

"When is she going to be back?" I asked. He took in a deep breath.

"I don't know.. She hasn't been gone that long, so not for a while I'm guessing," He answered me. His hand never leaving my stomach, trailing higher and higher towards my chest. I wiggled a little to let him know I was uncomfortable. Either he didn't notice, or didn't care. Pretty surely it was the second choice.

"I'm sorry for punching you in the face," I said quickly. Honestly, it was one big fat lie. I wasn't sorry at all. In fact, I was proud of myself, actually. I mean, why would I be sorry? He's a jerk. The definition of a dick. A moron, anything rude would describe the real him. The one he was hiding away from everyone else. Everyone else but me, I'll tell you that much.

"You're going to have to pay for that, Jade," he said. I felt my stomach churn.

"Huh?" I asked. 

"You'll see," He answered kissing my shoulder. Then, everything fell silent. Besides my heavy breathing, and his soft breathing, before a vibration was felt on my back from his front, because his loud chuckle throughout the quiet room, and his body against mine, me not having any personal space. 

"But don't get too excited, not yet at least... Soon though," He paused and I felt his mouth turn up from his lips still on my shoulder before he spoke one last time.

"Very soon."

Then, it dropped to another silence.

I am in love with this song. >>>>>>>>

At first I didn't really like it, but then I kept listening to it and now I'm obsessed! Anyway, if you read my other fanfiction you'd know my trailer for Are You Afraid? (One Direction Fanfic) is up! GO CHECK IT OUT, MAYBE?! 

Pic of Harry and what he's supposed to look like in this story (for now) on the side, as well. >>>>>>>>

also, fan me! Vote, comment :) 

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thankyou for your patience, my lovelies. MUAH! LOVE YOU! X


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