Ending A/N!

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^ That screenshot is from when promise got 100 reads...

Wow...I don't even know where to begin with this. I started writing Promise in the end of txt's debut month, march 2019, and I didn't finish it until july 2021. That's really REALLY crazy. I never would have imagined myself sticking for this for that amount of time. I honestly thought I was going to quit halfway through.

There's so many things I want to say, but the most important one is thank you so much for reading!! This has been such a long fanfic to read and endure but if you made it this far you deserve applause because that's insane! Whether you were around from when I first started to write this (is there anyone??) or near the ending of it, I still want to say thank you so much for giving me a chance and reading this.

This is honestly so...bittersweet.

I'm happy to be finally done with something I've worked so long on, but I'm sad to say goodbye to this too.

I'm going to miss the comments from every chapter as it's being released. The reactions of readers and all. The kind comments you all give me telling me I'm a good writer (even tho I think I'm not, just decent) I'm going to miss it. I would write a sequel but I'm happy with where I ended things. I know it might not be the ending everyone wanted, but it's the one I'm the most satisfied with...and realistic if I'm being honest.

There's many things I wish I can change about this ff. There's parts where I'm not proud of, and others were I am. Jori is a character I tried to make unlikable so she wouldn't be the cliche type of character who was innocent or weak, but I still tried to give her some growth because she's been through a lot. She may be just a character I made up, but she was based off of me just a little bit so I sort of have a connection with her lol. I've been told by other people that they can relate to her at times too.

I want to clearly state I, in no way at all, meant to romanticize the sexual abuse that Jori went through. I'm not sure if it came off that way but I just wanted to make myself clear about that.

Also the ending is open so it's up to the reader's interpretation. If you want to imagine Jori and Beomgyu end up together in the future, that's up to you. If you want to imagine she somehow gets with another member, that's up to you too. I made for Jori not to be ready for a relationship after her trauma, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be ready for it in the future.

Also the reason this book was named promise is because almost all the promises made in the ff were broken. If you were to go back and read you would understand what I'm saying. Also Jori was either the one promising or other people were breaking their promises. Though Jori herself has never asked for a promise by anyone in the entire ff, besides the last chapter where she asked Beomgyu. It's supposed to symbolize that after everything she's been through, she was willing to put herself in that vulnerable state to someone, and ask for a promise that may or may not be broken in the future. 

I hope that made sense lol.

I would love to keep rambling on but I know not everyone would want to read that, so I'll just leave with an ending note and add some fun facts about this ff in the bottom.

So thanks again to everyone who commented, voted, added to your lists, followed, shared with others, or even just silently read!! You guys all mean the world to me. My first ever fanfic had only reached 1k reads, and now my first ever txt fanfic had reached 37k reads!! That's insane!! It was a long journey, but I appreciate every single one of you and I hope you know that. You can always private message me if you want too! I have other fanfics on my profile so feel free to check them out too and support! <33

Thank you for this journey...

Now I'm off to read this entire thing from start to finish, let's see how this goes lol.

- jae/jay (@ txt-thinks)

If you're still here, below are some fun facts about promise !!

- Jori's name was either going to be Jori or Yashi

- a love triangle was originally planned for Soobin, Jori, and Beomgyu

- Taehyun wasn't supposed to have a crush on Jori, it was supposed to be Huening

- The original storyline for promise is 8 pages in my notebook, but a lot of it was cut out. and i started to add random things in as i wrote each chapter.

- At first it wasn't going to be called promise (i struggled so much with coming up with a name). and i went through 28 covers before i stuck with the current one (yes 28, i'm not lying).

- The reason why Beomgyu was sort of the main character is caused i biased him predebut but my bias has changed since then and it's taehyun now !

- if you go back to the prologue, u can see the last bits of dialogue in the last chapter are in the prologue. also in the description. and on the cover if u look really closely! as you can see i had the ending planned from when i first made the ff lol.

- by the time the first chapter was posted, i had written up to chapter 33 :0

- i was one of the first txt 6 member ffs that was an actual story, and not just oneshots or imagines

- i originally planned for the ff to end around cat and dog era. i had even chose parts for every song of their debut album to add jori in. i also made her outfits for the cat and dog mv and for the crown mv. these are all in my old phone's notes lmao.

okay i don't think anyone cares for more lol, so i'm going to end it here. now you have truly made it to the end of promise. thank you for reading this long note and i hope u have a good day/night wherever you are!


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