meeting their parents

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Were these people y/n's parents? i guess i finally know where they got their looks from, but i also didn't know for sure. "who are you?"
The women responded quickly "i'm f/n's (full name) mom." she showed a picture of Y/n. "have you seen them anywhere? please i just want to find my baby."
It was a coincidence because Y/n walked out the room in the wrong moment, or right?

nobody's POV:
Your eyes widened to you mom and dad standing in the doorway, you had just woken up and thought you were still asleep. Sad how you decided to grab a knife and try to stab your leg rather than to pinch yourself, luckily Toga and your parents stopped you before you did some crazy shit. You looked at you parents noticing the mere disappointment in their eyes but also happiness along with shock. Your first reaction was you hug them and embrace their presence, yes you were happy with Toga but a small part of you missed your family. After all, in the beginning they were all you knew you had.(Toga stalked you) "Why'd you leave?" Your dad asked. You didn't want to expose Toga so you say "I thought you wouldn't except me as (whatever your sexuality is)". "Y/n we love you for who you are, it doesn't matter who you're attracted to." Your mom said following along with "I'm actually pansexual, but your dad is just straight." Your dad frowned a little "But it doesn't make me any less supportive of you, You'll always be my child"

a few minutes later of talking bc yuh

Y/n's POV

"Mom, dad this is my girlfriend, Himiko Toga" Toga stuck out her hand to shake my parents but they looked at her in disgust. "oh we know, don't think we are dumb Y/n. Her and her little crew attacked UA high plenty of times to know. But you love her or think you do, so we'll accept it. Just not support your relationship." My dad said. Toga put her hand behind her back and took a step back. Honestly i felt bad but if they don't call the police i don't really care. "I DO love her but think what you want or whatever." I mentioned looking at them. "i'll give y'all a call or something but maybe you should go." They nodded and left. "They hate me" Toga frowned as i went to lock the door. "oh really i had no clue" i said sarcastically before going up to Toga and hugging her. She kissed my cheek and suggested that we watch a movie so we did, as we cuddled and fell asleep on our living room couch.


A/n: heyyy, so i'm thinking about doing a Q/A or get to know the author! so just leave some questions that you have or just wanna know about me! sorry this chapter was short i had no ideas but wanted to upload so here you go!

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