Loving you hurts

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After Sapnap's incident with his father, and his father moving to the earth, Bad was or over at their place, or Sapnap was at his dad's place a lot.

While yes he still hated Skeppy but he couldn't help it, seeing his dad happy just made him happy.

So one time when Bad and Skeppy were at Sapnap, Dream and George's place for dinner, an interesting and concerning conversation started


"Wait actually what happened to your ex wife?"

Dream asked

"Oh I was never married."

Bad replied

"Ohhh I get it"
George said and winked at Bad

"No not that either."

Bad somehow continued to eat like what he said wasn't confusing and concerning.

"Then how Sapnap? "

Dream asked, thinking it was obvious before that he wanted an explanation but what ever.

"Oh I found him in a lava pool, he was plaiyng with the lava and a skeleton was about to shoot him since his parents were runaways which in that time wasn't accepted. His parents were disgraceful enough to leave poor Sapnap alone, or at least that's what I think, I'm not sure what went through their head. So I decided to take Sapnap in as my own, I couldn't just leave a child alone like that!"

Bad exclaimed still casually eating

"Yeah I'm pretty sure my real parents died here on earth. But I don't really care, I grew and turned out fine thanks to My best Dad ,Bad who's an amazing Chad and super duper rad"

Sapnap was proud of his rhimes, Dream and George giggling at him.

"Well Bad and I are gonna go now we have some...'buissnes' to attend" Sappy said as he stood up

"Thank you for the dinner by the way!" Skeppy finished and pulled Bad away back to their place.

The three foud that pretty akward but also funny.

"So since your dad's finally busy for once, wanna hang out? Gogy and I are gonna watch a musical called 'the guy who didn't like musicals' sounds fun right?"

Dream said, triyng to make it not too obvious that he wants to go on a date with Sapnap and George

"Sorry but I'm going out with Quackity" Sapnap said with a smile

"Go out as like...a date?"
George asked, tilting his head

"Pff as if. Quackity has a nation, big home and like 50 friends with only about 2 enemies. As if he would ask me on a DATE were just hanging out as friends, which suprises me enough"

Sapnap giggled grabbing his bag.

"Well better be early than late. Even if it's 45 minutes early"

Sapnap then left the building Dream glaring.

"Come on Dream at least he will be happy with Quackity. We don't want him to be unhappy do we?"

Dream then looked at George and hugged him

"Yeah...but I don't know...I love you more than the universe itself and I love him like that as well...but I just know I can't loose you so loving you doesn't hurt...but I do know I can loose him which does hurt...loving him hurts..."

"I know Dream..I love you and him too but we can't force him into a relationship. We have to let him be happy and yes it hurts but it will hurt more to see him unhappy but with us."

George was always the voice of reason. Yes ,he can be a bit of a crack head but at the same time he is a very reasonable and logical person who just knows what to do most of the time.
Mostly when it comes to relationships, he says a lot of stuff that is just true, like after the first day that George and Dream got togeder, George already talked about break up, not becouse he planned to break up with him but becouse he knows that emotions can change, so he wanted to make sure that if they ever break up that they will do it on good terms.
He always says that break ups are way too frowned upon, and that that's why a lot of unhappy relationships happen becouse of the bad breakups the media is pushing,
George says that break ups are a good thing becouse when you come out of a relationship, wether a good or bad one, you always come out a different, if not better, person.

That's something Dream loved about George, to be honest everyone loved that about George.

But the funny thing is that Dream is the exact opposite, he is just a crack head. But he is a quick thinker, his brain works like the mind of a main character in an Anime.

And Sapnap...well he was somewhat both of these, he of course wasn't perfect, no one is, but he did have a balance of reason, Anime speed brain and crack head in him, again you would think that would be perfect but these things crash against echother,
It's like people who have a fear of change but get bored of things being the same.

Anyway after that Dream and George had a cuddle section with a few small kisses, becouse even though I don't mention it often, they are a sweet loving and caring cupple, I make it seem like theire only focused on Sapnap but that isn't true becouse of the amount of time skips.

Dream ended up making dinner becouse George always forgot to cut the stake.

After dinner was ready Sapnap walked into the room "hey guys! Ohhh smells nice, so Dream is cooking!"

The two boys looked over at Sapnap and smiled, setting up the table.

They all sat down to eat when George asked what the other two tried not to bring up,

"So how was your date?"

"Well...ot was interesting...we had fun though! But there was something wrong with the tickets so we ended up going to the zoo. It was nice I got to see some Pandas...my favurite"

Sapnap had a soft smile ok his face which made the other two smile but eternally frown.

"Wait- your favurite animal is a Panda?"

Dream asked looking over at the boy

"Yeah! Theire cute and cool!"

The two agreed and kept eating.

After the three finished eating Dream got a phone call, from his mom

"Oh hi mom- oh no that- oh ok- no wait here!? Oh common! Why? Fine! But- ugh fine bye love you"

Dream then hung up the phone the other two confused,

"My family wants to come for dinner tomorrow..."

The other two smiled at that "That's super cool!"
Sapnap said

"It really isn't...becouse I have a little sister and a fucking God family! My brother is a God, my sister is a God, hell my twin brother is also a God!"

The other two cheered at that and said they found it super cool and much more but Dream wasn't impressed..

'God' will that day be chaotic.....

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