Chapter 6

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Jungkook groaned and held his aching head. He tried sitting up but pain and nausea overcame him. Ignoring the pain he dizzily went to the bathroom to throw up whatever he ate last night.

He again groaned and flushed the toilet as he rested his head on the bathroom wall. His head freaking hurt and he feels dizzy. It's like the bathroom wall is moving, circling around him.

He tried to get up but he felt vomiting so he again threw up. That's when he felt it, he felt cold as sweat covered his forehead. He tried to go back to his room to get his cellphone and probably call for help but darkness overtook him.

Jihyo finished preparing breakfast for them and decided to check on Jungkook. She knows she can't disturb his sleep knowing that her son needed it. She went up Jungkook's room and peeked.

She furrowed her brows when she saw the bed empty.

"Kookie? You up?" She called.

There was no answer and Jihyo thought that maybe he was taking a shower. She was about to leave when something came to her mind.

She doesn't hear water running. Curiousity got through her as she proceeded to enter the room.

"Jungkook, honey. Breakfast is ready, you should go down and eat with us" She again called but still no answer.

She checked the walk in closet and called for his name again but still no answer. She checked the veranda but he was not there.

Her only option was to check the bathroom. She considered her son's privacy so she knocked and called for him. There was still no answer and that's when she got worried.

She knocked countless times and still no answer.

"Sweetie I'm coming in" she said as she opened the unlocked door.

She immediately widened her eyes as she saw Jungkook sprawled on the floor looking very pale and his breathing, labored.


Seo Joon who was having his morning coffee got startled by the shout and hurriedly put down his cup of coffee, brought his phone and proceeded to where he heard the voice.

"Baby? What happened?" He asked as he searched for Jihyo nervously.

"In here! Hurry call the ambulance!" Jihyo's anxious voice came from the bathroom. Seo Joon didn't think twice and started to dial the emergency number.

His expression was the same as when Jihyo found Jungkook.

"Jungkook? Honey? Come on wake up, look at me" Jihyo tried waking his son up but to no avail. She wanted to cry but she know she can't, she has to be strong.

"Give me the phone. Put him on the bed" Jihyo said to Seo Joon.

Seo Joon immediately gave her the phone and carried his son to his bed. Jihyo wet some towels and gave it to Seo Joon telling him what to do.

Once the call was answered she immediately requested for amublance stating the reason and the address. After 10 minutes the ambulance arrived and started to take him to the nearest hospital.

Jihyo and Seo Joon still put up a brave face when their son was being rushed to the hospital. Jihyo firmly held her son's hand as Seo Jeon kept his one hand tightly at her waist and his other hand caressing Jungkook's hair.

It was only when they proceeded to take Jungkook to the E.R for examination did Jihyo broke down. She slumped on the floor crying hard while Seo Joon patted her back and comforted her.

"I'm gonna call our personal doctor and probably his friend to know his condition. They might be worried sick once knowing the truth." Seo Joon said. Jihyo only nodded as she buried her face on her husband's chest.

Once the news traveled to Jungkook's friends, they hurriedly went over to the hospital.  They were all panting and looking worried as they got there.

When they arrived, they saw the doctor talking to the couple. They saw Seo Joon and Jihyo nodding to whatever the doctor was saying to them.

They at least felt relieve seeing the couple being calm indicating that Jungkook was alright.

"What happened?" Jimin worriedly asked.

Yoongi went to him and side hugged him while also looking at Jungkook's parent. Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok was also waiting for the answer.

"It was over fatigue, stress and too much alcohol intake. His body didn't take it too well. The doctor said that of this continues, his organs might not work properly and it will shut down." Jihyo informed.

Jimin wanted to cry but held it in, he just balled his fist.

"He's asleep now. He was taken to one of the VIP rooms, you guys can visit him if you like." Seo Joon said.

The group nodded and was about to leave when Jihyo stopped them.

"Can I have one more favor from you guys?" She asked sadly.

The group nodded and let her proceed.

"I know that you've been taking care of him since now and I'm more greatful that he has you as his friend. But please, even with the state he is in. Don't leave him, please keep supporting and care for him" she smiled sadly.

Jin walked up to her and hugged her, "Don't worry Ms. Song. Even though he's a nut head, he's still our baby brother" he said

Jihyo smiled warmly at them and the group proceeded to Jungkook's room. What they saw troubled them.

Jungkook look so lifeless and pale. His eyes had dark circles on them and his lips were chapped and dry.

Jimin angrily balled his fist this time.

"He started this, now he has to fix it." He said as he stomped away from the room.

The others werw shocked by his sudden outburst. Yoongi tried to stop him but failed.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked as he finally caught up with the other. With such short legs, he sure do walk fast.

"Where else? To that bastard" he said as he proceeded to leave.

"Bastard?" Yoongi asked puzzled.

"I think I know where he's going" Namjoon said worriedly from behind.

Sorry for not updating yesterday!🥲🥲

I'm guessing you guys already know who Jimin is talking about. 😂

So, I've came to a conclusion that I'll be doing updates every week. I'm sorry I'm taking too much time to update but I hope you'll understand me.

Love you!😊😁💜💜💜💜


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