Chapter 7

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As soon as those words came out from Namjoon's mouth, Yoongi looked back confused.

"You don't mean__" he cut off his words when he realized where his fiance was going.

"Shit, I'm going after him. Take care of Jungkook" he said. He was about to leave when Hoseok came running looking for them.

"Where are you going? Where's Jimin?" He asked as he looked back from Namjoon to Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed as he answered, "He went to look for Taehyung, probably in Jungkook's company. I'm going there, I'm afraid something might happen"

"I'm coming with you" Hoseok said

"Don't worry, we'll take care of him. I'm also gonna tell his parents to have some rest" Namjoon said as he smiled and went back.

"Now, come on. We have to go" Yoongi said as he dragged Hoseok out.


Jimin was furious as he stomped to one of Jungkook's company. The people looked at him and got nervous. They had never seen him with that face before. They have known him as the bubbly, kind person who never seemed to be angry.

But as Jimin walked through them emmiting a dark aura, all the people around him shivered.

"Mr. Park, good mor___" Jungkook's assistant greeted but as soon as she sensed something she stopped and just bowed.

Jimin forcefully opened the door into Taehyung's office.

Taehyung who was leaning on his hand suddenly jerked right up at the sudden intrusion.

"You!" Jimin said as he pointed at Taehyung.

Taehyung nervously smiled, "Hi"

"Don't you Hi me, it's because of you. You're the reason that his life is a mess right now. You're the reason he's slowly killing himself. Have you no conscience? Even a little bit? Why are you showing yourself now?" Jimin spat with anger as he took a step each word towards Taehyung.

"Wha--what do you mean? What's going on?" Taehyung this time furrowed his brows.

"Don't you dare act as if you don't know anything!" Jimin shouted

Taehyung looked at him surprised, he never saw Jimin this angry before. But he still managed to look calm.

"Jimin, why don't you calm down first before we talk?" Taehyung tried to coax.

"No, we will talk right now" Jimin argued.

"Okay, I'm asking you because I really don't know what you are talking about." Taehyung sincerely replied.

Jimin scoffed, "True, you have spent your life without problems while you left him to suffer. Really selfish of you Tae"

This time Taehyung got what he meant but kept quiet, he knew he has to let Jimin talk for him to let it all out.

"What? You've spent 10 years of your life without a care to the people you've left behind. Not even a single letter telling us that you were fine while we spent our lives worrying about you. We have respected your privacy of not knowing where you went but you could've at least remind us that you are still with us. But then again, you're selfish, you're worst than those bullies back on first year college." Jimin angrily said all those words all the while crying.

Taehyung got his head down all the time.

"You think it was easy for me?" He said as tears also came running down his face.

"You think I lived a life not thinking of the people I left behind? No! It was also hard for me. Think of me as selfish but I lived those 10 years with regret. You wanna know why I never sent you letters? Because I was scared.

I was scared of rejection. I was scared that you'll ignore me, I was scared of being judged. I spent those 10 years thinking of you guys, especially him!" Taehyung was the one letting it all out. The two of them were both crying .

"You were my first bestfriend Chim, you of all people should know how hard it is for me to leave people who I care and cherish the most. Yes, it was selfish of me, but I didn't have a choice. When an opportunity comes I just have to grab it. I know he was going to leave me, it hurts to know the truth so I had to do it before he tells me to" Taehyung explained.

He looked Jimin on the eye and saw longingness, hurt and most of all love. Jimin is still indeed his bestfriend.

"You know, there are always two sides of a story. We all have made a dreadful decisions but I think it would be better to live in the present that we are in" a voice from behind spoke.

The two had become so emotional that they didn't notice that there were also people behind them.

Yoongi fully stepped in the room. " Tae, have made a choice, it was his life not ours. We are just accompanying him, as for you Jimin, you are the greatest support he ever had. It must have been really hard for him to leave. But this won't help anyone. Arguing and pinpointing who's at fault doesn't help solve the problem" he said as he both looked at the two.

"He's right, he may have done those things but it's all in the past. I think it is best for all of us to let go. And it's not like he killed someone for pete's sake for us to react like this." Hoseok said.

"Right now Jungkook needs our full support" he continued.

Taehyung who still doesn't know of his boss slash ex's condition was confused.

"Wait, what about Jungkook?" He asked as he looked at Yoongi. They had both stopped crying, Jimin was hugging Yoongi when he suddenly let go.

"Oh yeah, that what was I was talking about. He's in the hospital" he informed like he was not yelling at Taehyung just a while ago.

"What?! What happened?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"I think it's better if you see him in person and we'll fill you in on the way" Hoseok said.

Taehyung nodded and got his things, he looked over at Jimin and smiled. Jimin only looked away but there was a little smile plastered on his face.

Taehyung followed Hoseok put as Jimin and Yoongi followed behind them.

"So you went in there and bombarded him with emotions instead of telling him of Kook's condition?" Yoongi's voice asked.

"What? I was angry. And besides at least I had my closure, all that's left is Jungkook" Jimin replied as he pouted.

I hope things are starting to get more clearer to those who have asked why Taehyung left.😊

I've read all your comments and it did really motivate me to write this chapter. You guys are so attentive, one of you managed to let me recall the previous chapters. 😁😁😁

I love you!😊💜💜💜💜


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