Chapter 13

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Taehyung fidgets with his fingers as he can't look at Jimin in the eye. Yes, maybe, just maybe their relationship is getting better but it still feels like there's a glass barrier in between them ready to break and shatter at any time.

"Stop that, it makes me nervous too" Jimin said as he stopped Taehyung's fingers.

Taehyung eventually stopped and looked at Jimin, 'He's nervous too?' He asked in his mind.

"So, did you and Jungkook already mend your relationship? I saw how touchy you guys were awhile ago" Jimin commented.

Taehyung's eyes grew wide, "No-I mean- Yes we mended our relationship but what you saw earlier isn't what you think" he defended.

"Oh sure" Jimin replied with a hint of suspicion but dropping the matter.

"Anyway, I really wanted to talk to you. It's been bothering me for awhile and I need to get it out." Jimin started and nervousness was evident on his voice.

"Uh, okay?" Taehyung said unsure of what to answer.

"I know I've been a bitch to you ever since you came back but you must understand why" Jimin said as he looked at Taehyung seriously.

Taehyung nodded in understanding.

"I want to apologize for you for my actions and my behavior. We have been friends in college, not long but long enough for me to take you as my brother and not only as a friend. I hope you forgive me" Jimin said as he bowed.

Taehyung wanted to cry and he did, maybe for the second time, it's nice to shed a happy tears. He didn't say anything and approached Jimin who was still bowing. He held the others shoulder coaxing him to stand straight and surprised him with a hug.

"I'm so sorry too. For leaving you like that and  for not telling you. You were my friend and I know you would've understand if I did tell you. It's just, my mind was in a mess at that time and all I wanted to do was to get away from here as soon as possible." He explained.

"Of course I would understand. And I know you have also been through so much. I'm just glad that things are beginning to patch up." Jimin replied as he smiled and patted Taehyung's back.

"I hope so. And thank you! But really, there's nothing going on with us. Don't get the wrong idea" Taehyung insisted.

Jimin chuckled as he looked at Taehyung.

"Okay, okay. Whatever you say. Let's go inside now". He said as he opened the door.

As soon as they entered they saw Yoongi chewing oranges while both him and Jungkook are immersed watching soccer on the T.V.

Once they heard the door open, Jungkook immediately looked at Taehyung and with a dash he was at Taehyung's side by a second.

'I haven't seen patient having that much energy. He doesn't deserve to be called a patient.' Yoongi thought as he marvelled at how Jungkook was at Taehyung's side.

Jungkook clinged to Taehyung as soon as the other entered.

Jimin sighed as he approached Yoongi, "Why are you the eating oranges when its for the patient?"

"Patient? I didn't know there was a patient. As far as I can see, he's pretty much ok." Yoongi replied as he continued eating those sweet delicious oranges.

"I can't with these circle of friends." Jimin sighed for the second time that day.

He looked over Taehyung's side and saw how Taehyung didn't know how to react with Jungkook being clingy with him.

"Are you gonna cuddle there all day? And Jungkook, Taehyung's not only your visitor. Can't you entertain us also?" He said.

Jungkook looked at him boredly, "I thought that was Yoongi's job?" He said as he looked at Taehyung again smiling.

Jimin's face turned red as he got what Jungkook meant.

"You–!" He was about to retalliate but Yoongi had already engulfed his waist and pulled him onto his lap.

"Don't mind him. He's just getting all the love he lost all those years" he said as he kissed Jimin's cheek.

"Yeah it would even be  better if there's no nuisance" Jungkook sighed as he slumped his head on Taehyung shoulder while Taehyung has an 'I don't know what to do'expression.

"Are you calling us nuisance?" Jimin asked incredulously.

Jungkook acted as if he did not hear Jimin which made Jimin even more annoyed.

"Fine then, next time you get sick, we won't visit you anymore. Let your Taehyung take care of you for the rest of your life!" He said throwing a tantrum while dragging Yoongi out of the room.

"See you bro" Yoongi saluted as he was dragged.

"You should be more thankful for them though. They took cared for you" Taehyung said as he finally sat down.

Jungkook looked at him and smiled. "I know, I'll make it up to them once I'm out of this place."

Taehyung sighed with relief but can't help but shiver at the intense stare he was having right now.

"Uhm, do you need anything else? Because if there's nothing else, I'll be going back to the office to take care of some matters" he said as he started to get up and get his things.

"Stay" Jungkook's firm tone stopped Taehyung's movement.


"Just this time. Take care of me. I know I'm being selfish but please" Jungkook pleaded as he looked at Taehyung warily. All those smiles and happy mood was instantly changed with grief and sadness.

Taehyung lifted his hands and caressed Jungkook's face.

"Ok. I'll stay" he said as he smiled. Jungkook held the hand that is caressing his face and squeezed it as he smiled again. He was contented with this.

No, I'm not back permanently. I just want to update the story. I know it's getting boring and with me not constantly updating is even more frustrating. But I would like to focus on my studies so this story would be on hiatus until August which will be our academic break. I hope by that time I will provide you with more interesting chapters.

Though I won't be updating but I'll be entertaining DM's and comments. So keep on commenting!😁

P.S. Sorry for the lousy book cover. I'm still learning😂

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