Chapter 9

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Taehyung snapped his head at Jungkook's direction once hearing the request. Jungkook was looking at him with such intensity that he really wanted to look away.

"Don't you have something to say?" Jungkook again asked.

"Like what?" Taehyung started.

"Say sorry? I know it won't mean much to you if I say it anyway" Taehyung continued as he casted his head down.

"Yeah, it would be pointless if you're just gonna apologize" Jungkook answered.

"But you do know that actions speak louder than words. So prove to me that you really are sorry, Kim" Jungkook challenged.

Taehyung looked at him and squinted his eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Taehyung asked unsure.

"Because I think I just heard you say that you'll forgive me if I do everything you ask" he explained.

"I see you're still the bright student" Jungkook mocked as Taehyung glared at him.

"And yes, I meant it that way. You, telling me sorry won't do. So why not express it?" Jungkook said as he raised one of his eyebrows at Taehyung.

"Are you sure you're not still drunk?" Taehyung asked because really he doesn't believe a word Jungkook is saying because how come he is behaving like these when he's so cold to him in the past weeks.

Jungkook furrowed his brows as he looked at Taehyung.

"How come you knew that I was drunk? Certainly the doctor must have only told you that I passed out of exhaustion" Jungkook asked

Taehyung widened his eyes as he tried to come up with excuses.

"Uhhm, no, the doctor did not tell me but Jimin did. Yeah, Jimin told me" Taehyung answered nervously.

Jungkook was still looking at him suspiciously but let the matter go. Taehyung was avoiding eye contact at the very least. He pretended to be fascinated by the room's decoration although it was only plain white walls and a curtain.

"How are you Taehyung?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

Taehyung looked at him shocked and speechless. This really isn't supposed to be happening. Isn't he supposed to act cold towards him? To be angry at him?

Jungkook rolled his eyes as if he got what Taehyung was thinking.

"Look, I know I've been an asshole to you this whole time but let's face it we'll be working together from now on, might as well get over it. And yeah, I know it sounds stupid but I did all that to get back to you. But it was me who got hurt in the end" he explained.

"Oh, I understand where you're coming from. And yeah, uhhm sorry, haha" Taehyung said awkwardly.

"I've been good actually. I finally got to be an attorney" he said as he smiled softly. He looked down at his lap and looked up again to see Jungkook with the same smile.

"That's good to hear. It's good to hear you were doing great" Jungkook said with all sincerity.

This really struck Taehyung hard, because while he really did had a good life, Jungkook was still not over and even ruined his life for him. When he saw Jungkook with that smile, tears started to build up at his eyes.

"Uhhmm, what's taking them so long. I'll just go and get a canned coffee" he excused. He doesn't want Jungkook to see him cry.

Without waiting for a reply, he excused himself and went out. Instead of going to the coffee machine, he made his way to the restroom.

In there, he cried as guilt washed over him. It had been a minute when he finally stopped crying. He fixed himself in front of the mirror and went to grab what he was supposed to get.

When he entered Namjoon and Seok Jin were already there. Jin was pulling one of his dad jokes at Jungkook trying to make the other laugh, which was surprisingly effective as Jungkook laughed.

The others took notice of his presence as Jin stopped.

"Oh you're here. Come on let's eat. I bought your favorite" Jin said as he presented a plastic bag in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung gasped surprised, "No way! Buttered chicken?" He asked excitingly.

Jin nodded proudly, "Thank you so much!" Taehyung squealed as he hugged him.

"Of course I wouldn't let you down" Jin said.

"Are you guys done celebrating? Because I'm hungry" Namjoon complained

"Sorry" Taehyung apologized as he took a seat on the couch.

Jin on the other hand glared at Namjoon but nonetheless opened the other containers as they start digging in.

The only problem was, Jungkook's right hand was where they put the syringe that's why he was having a difficult time picking his food.

"Need some help Kook?" Namjoon as he saw the other struggling. He was about to stand and offer help when the other stopped him.

"No, it's okay. You can continue eating" he said.

Jin saw his difficulty and this time, he offered his help.

"No, really. I got this" Jungkook again replied stubbornly. Taehyung who watched the scene huffed as he got up and took the empty chair beside the bed.

He snatched the chopstick from Jungkook's hand and began picking food. He offered the food to Jungkook with raised brows.

"Eat" was all he said and Jungkook didn't protest but instead complied.

Namjoon and Jin who saw this scene looked at each other in bewilderment. Taehyung kept shoving food into Jungkook's mouth as Jungkook ate them without complaint.

"We're here!" A voice from the door stopped them from eating.

"Why are you guys eating without us?" Jimin asked as he pouted. In their hands were varieties of fruits in platic bags.

"Because you guys were so slow. My husband here was very hungry" Jin replied.

Jimin snickered but stopped as he saw Taehyung feeding Jungkook.

"Already in good terms are we?" He asked playfully.

Yoongi nudged him at the side which earned a groan from him.

"What was that for?" He whisper yelled.

"For not reading the atmosphere" Yoongi replied.

"As if I can read the atmosphere" he retorted smartly.

"I meant that metaphorically" Yoongi answered in a duh- tone.

"Geez, I know. I was just trying to crack a joke" Jimin answered

"Well, no one laughed sweetheart. So you better stop" Yoongi again countered.

Jimin looked at him offended as he made his way onto the couch. All the while, the people in the room held their laughter.

Is the story suddenly going too fast?
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!😁
I've read all your comments on the last chapter and they are all hillarious, you guys literally make my day.😁😁

Anyway, I'm thinking of writing a new book and the covers are again made by our ever fabulous @95seoulmates__
I hope you will support the book as you did with these one 😊

Edited: I have already posted my new book! Please do check it out! I hope you guys like it!


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