Chapter 11

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Taehyung surely did not have a good night sleep. He slept late but he woke up very early to prepare himself for the day.

He started to make some bento's that would at least give strength to the sick. The flower shop opens at 7:00 and it was already 6:00. Though he didn't need to hurry because the shop is just a ten minute drive.

He carefully put the bento's in a bag and went to take a bath. At 6:30 he had finished taking a bath and since it was near winter, the weather got cold so he clothed himself with a black turtleneck paired with black slacks and a leather boots to go along with his fashion he also wore a brown coat.

'Handsome as ever' he complimented himself.

But then again nervousness hit him as he was brought back to what he is about to do.

'You can't back out now Taehyung' his mind firmly responded.

He nodded in determination and got out of his room. He was about to leave when Minjae walked out of his room yawning.

"Where are you going so early?" He asked as he prepared himself a hot choco.

"Uh, I have to visit my boss in the hospital" he told him.

"Oh? I'll see you tonight then? I'll be leaving work earlier today so we can catch up on things. We have been busy with work that we didn't spend time that much" Minjae said as he took a sip from his choco

"Yeah, that would be great. We really didn't spend time that much and that's a great idea. I'll see tonight then!" Taehyung bid goodbye and left their shared apartment.

He took a taxi and said his location and after 10 minutes he was at his destination.

                'Flower Phoenix'

The title in front of the shop displayed together with different flowers surrounding it. The outside already look majestic what more would it look on the inside.

He slowly entered the glass door and the scent of different flowers hit his nose. He was memerized by the sets of diferrent colors and flowers around him that he did not notice a man approaching him.

"May I help you pick a flower sir?" A man said with a bright smile.

'He looks Chinese' he thought.

"Sir?" The man asked again

"Oh sorry yeah I would like to order a bouquet of......"

The man was carefully making the bouquet when Taehyung can't help but ask.

"Are you somehow, Chinese?"

The man chuckled and smiled showing his bunny teeth. 'Just like a certain someone' he again thought.

"Yes, did my accent gave it away?" The man said.

"No, but a little" Taehyung replied. He saw how the man was handsome and very alluring, he had that bright and warm aura around him that makes you want to smile when with him.

"Xiao Zhan" he mumbled but it was enough for the other to hear.

"Hm?" The other questioned.

"Sorry, I just saw your nametag, didn't know I mumbled that out loud."

"It's okay. This for your girlfriend?" The man named Xiao Zhan asked.

"Uh, no" he shyly rubbed his neck. The seemed to take the hint as he smiled

"Oh, he must be pretty important then if you have to make such an early arrangement for him" Xiao Zhan said.

"He is, but for him I'm not. He just basically wants my apology" Taehyung said.

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