Chapter 12

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Taehyung eyed the bouquet in front of him as tears slowly made its way onto his cheeks. He saw Jungkook trying to supress the tears that are about to burst.

"I know I have been a jerk before. I haven't prioritized you nor care for you like a proper boyfriend should. You have every right to hate me. Our friends put all the blame on you but every night I go to sleep I know that it was my fault" Jungkook confessed as tears finally started to stream down.

"I thought that everything would be okay when I finished my business with Ji Eun. I was mad at you at what you did but I realize that I was mad at the wrong person. I should not be mad at you, I should not be mad at Ji Eun or to anyone else. I should be mad at myself for being such a crappy boyfriend" He continued.

Taehyung wanted to tell him to stop. That it was not his fault but he just cried listening to the others confession.

"I realize all my mistake when I heard that you left" Jungkook said as he looked at Taehyung with so much longing, sadness and pain.

"It was as though I'm carrying a big load on my back that I can't get up nor breath. I tried looking for you but nobody knows where you are. You're parents wouldn't disclose your whereabouts. I looked for you endlessly for months. And when I realize that you don't want to be found, I thought of ending myself" Jungkook was full blown crying but he managed to speak the words clearly without stuttering.

Taehyung who heard the last words run up to him and hugged him. Jungkook was startled but when Taehyung spoke, he held the man he hadn't held in so many years tightly.

"I forgive you Jungkook and it's not your fault" Taehyung softly spoke the words and hugged Jungkook tighter.

"Don't ever think of ending your life even if I'm not on this planet" he said seriously.

"What's the use of living then if you're not by my side" Jungkook mumbled in Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung broke the hug and faced him seriously.

"No, promise me that you will not think of ending your life" he said holding Jungkook on both shoulders.

"Then promise not to leave me again" Jungkook countered.

"It doesn't work that way Kook" Taehyung softly said.

"Then I can't promise you that" Jungkook said with final words.

"Your world does not revolve on me alone Kook. What about your family? Your friends? If you think that way, then they'll think they're useless. Life is not a joke that we should be taken for granted" Taehyung explains with a soft voice.

"I know, but my world is you" Jungkook said as he hugged Taehyung again.

Taehyung just sighed, "For me, promise not to have those thoughts again" he said as he softly patted Jungkook's back.

"For you, I promise" Jungkook finally agreed and Taehyung heaved a sigh. They hugged for a long time until Taehyung mentiones the food.

"You should eat the bento now" he said as he grabbed the bag and took out the containers.

"Yoongi come on, wake up!" Jimin shouted at his fiance's sleeping figure.

All he had as a response was a low sound of disapproval. Jimin put his hands on his hips and shouted again.

"If you don't wake up now I'll call the marriage off!" Call him harsh on his words but he knew that would wake the all might Min Yoongi from his deep slumber.

True to his thoughts Yoongi snapped his eyes open and looked at Jimin with an unreadable eyes.

"Sorry, I had to say it for you to wak- ahh!" He was stopped as a hand dragged his body down the soft bed and a tight embrace enveloped his small frame.

"But don't use those words again" Yoongi breathed in on his neck tightening his hold.

"I won't. Now get up and get ready we still have to visit Jungkook" Jimin said as he pried the hand that started to roam his body.

Yoongi grumbled but nonetheless stood up.

"Wouldn't Taehyung be there?" He askes as he  prepared his clothes.

"Maybe but we still need to visit him" Jimin replied.

"He's not a kid anymore. He should probably think of settling down" Yoongi muttered.

"Yeah I know that. But we know he doesn't want anyone except for Tae" Jimin said sympathetically.

"I just put all the blame on him and it makes me feel so bad" Jimin said as he covered his eyes with his palms.

Yoongi saw how his fiance is again being hard  on himself so he approached him and stroked his hair in a calming manner.

"Taehyung understand why you're like this. He truly is an angel never blaming anyone even though all the blame was put on him." He said.

"I know, and that makes me more of a bad guy. I know that we had defended Jungkook all along while he has no one." Jimin hugged Yoongi as he buried his face on the others chest.

"Apologize sincerely to him. Besides you are his bestfriend, he wouldn't get angry with you" Yoongi responded as rubbed Jimin's back.

Jimin perked his head up as his hopeful eyes landed on Yoongi's.

"You think so?" He asked hopefully. Yoongi smiled at him as he pinched his cheek.

"I know so" he said. "Now I have to get ready"

The two entered the hospital room thinking that their friend was alone.

"Jungkookie were here~! Are you all al-" Jimin for the second time that day stopped his sentence.

Not because someone interrupted him bit because of the scene in front of him.

"Now, would one of you want to explain?" Jimin interrogated while Yoongi fixed the things they brought at the table. He noticed how there were two bouquet of flowers and smiled at the realization.

"There's nothing to explain Jimin" Jungkook said as he tried his best not to roll his eyes at the other.

"Yeah? Then why were you backhugging Taehyung while Taehyung was feeding you when we came in? Because for me, that's a little bit off" Jimin replied with his hands crossed over his chest as he eyes the two suspiciously.

"What's wrong with that?" Jungkook boredly answered.

Jimin wanted to shout but held himself in. He took a deep breath and looked at the man beside Jungkook who in all the time had his head casted down.

"May I talk with Taehyung outside?" He said as the man suddenly looked up to him surprised.

"May I ?" He asked again this time looking directly at Taehyung.

Taehyung just nodded but deep inside he was scared.

"What do you need to talk about with him?" Jungkook butted in.

"It's okay Kook, let them talk" Yoongi assured as Jimin followed Taehyung outside.

M.S ❤💚💙💜

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