Chapter 10

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It was a really nice feeling of having your old friends surround you once more. Taehyung quietly watched them bicker,  more like he watched Jin and Jimin bicker while Namjoon is trying to get in between them. He smiled softly, he really missed these guys.

A hand on his shoulder snapped him out of his daydream. Jungkook was looking at him and his eyes held a glint of worry.

"Hmm? You want more?" Taehyung asked instead.

Jungkook just nod as Taehyung started feeding him again. This action did not go unnoticed by Yoongi who was also quietly watching all the scene. When he saw the interaction between the main leads, he just softly smiled.

'I hope you get your happiness back Kook'

Was what he said in his mind.

All the boys finally came to a conclusion that they should go home considering that they were very noisy and Jungkook was having a hard time resting.  By pair, they bid their goodbye to him as Jungkook thanked them for their care.

"Anything for you Kook" Namjoon happily replied.

"Yeah, just know that we are always here" Jimin this time replied as he smiled, the smile that covers his eyes but still as sweet as honey.

Jungkook smiled at them when one by one took a step outside his hospital room. Though when Taehyung was about to step he heard words that made him halt his steps.

"Taehyung, about what I said. I'll be waiting for a response." Jungkook said as he looked intently at Taehyungs eyes.

Taehyung, however remained rooted at his feet unable to reply nor move.
'He's still thinking of ways on how to make me apologize!?'  he internally panicked.

Even when he was panicking inside he still let out a full blown smile at the man who was staring at him intently.

"Of course, I'll make sure you'll be surprised" he said.

Jungkook grinned at him, "I'll be looking forward to it then"

'Oh please don't' Taehyung mentally said.

"Hm, please do" he said through tight lipped smile.

'Stop digging your own grave Tae!' He screamed in his mind.

"Since we have settled to an agreement, I hope that you will take care of yourself better and be home as soon as possible. Because no one will do the company work better than you." He said as he bowed.

"That's too formal. Are you wishing for me to be well just for the company?" Jungkook asked with one raised eyebrow.

"Of course not sir. I just wish you to be well as soon as possible." He said defendingly.

"Then visit again tommorow." He said, no, more like demanded.

Taehyung was oblivious to what he said so he asked.


"I said, visit me again tommorow. And maybe you can start with your action apology." He said nonchalantly.

Taehyung thought about it for awhile. Well it is a good idea to show how sorry he is by taking care of him but, it's not like he's bedridden. Just then, an idea came to Taehyung's mind as he said.

"Of course sir. Then I'll see you again tommorow" he said

"I told you that's too formal. If it's just the two of us you can just call me by my name. No buts, just do it" Jungkook said leaving no room for rebutal.

"Okay then—J-Jungkook" Taehyung managed to slipped out.

Jungkook smiled so widely that he again once displayed his bunny smile.

"I'll be going then" Taehyung said as he finally let himself out of the room heaving a sigh.

Now, all that's left is for him to do the action for tommorow. But since he just left his work hanging because he rushed to the hospital, he went back to the company and finished things that has to be finished and fixed his things.

Before going home, he went first to the convinience store to buy some things. After buying all the things he needed, he stored it in the refrigerator as he sat down to his worktable thinking of what to do.

It is definitely hard to please Jungkook.

"What should I do? I can't think of things to do for him" he whined as buried his face on the table. After countless of listing things he still can't be able to decide a certain action that he can do for the other.

He has listed giving him chocolates but then he thought again. Jungkook rarely eats chocolates so what if the chocolate got rejected.

Then he thought of doing manual labor for him but then again Jungkook already has many servants doing things for him. He thought of letting Jungkook go to a fair but it sounds like he is taking a child to the fair because he accidentally hit them and taking them to a fair might let them feel better.

'But he's not a kid. And he will not be easily swayed like that'  Taehyung mentally scolded himself.

Just then he thought of things that you usually do when you go to the hospitals.

He suddenly jumped up and exclaimed.


"That's it" he said with finallity as he stretched his limbs.

"But where do I buy those?" He whisper asked himself, so again, he spent a whole hour searching for flower shops in the nearby area where he can go and buy some.

At last he found a store that actually opens early but a bit far from where he is.

"I don't care as long as it has the flower I need and besides it opens early." He said as he got ready for bed.

All the while, he was nervous and excited. It was like he was pursuing Jungkook again.

'But you're not, this time it's because you have to apologize'  An inner voice rang in his mind.

'True, it's not like we can have the relationship we've always wanted' he said as he sighed.

"Well, I hope things go well tommorow. Wish me luck" he said to no one in particular.

Of course when your half nervous and half excited, you can't possibly sleep well. That's why Taehyung just rolled in the bed until sleep overcame him. The matter for tommorow is really for tommorow.

I don't have much to say but here's a chapter.

It took me months to update not only because of school but also because of other priorities. I'll make sure to finish the book and since it's November, the month where I started writing fanfics, I just want to say

Happy Anniversary to the book, Farmers Pride!😊😁

I can't believe it's already been a year. I would love to thank all of the readers who gave much time for such a crappy writing. 😅🤣 I can't believe you guys really took the time but I'm really thankful.

This past few months that I have been away gave me time to reflect on my writing and I really want to improve myself so thank you for patiently waiting. 😊😁😁😊🥰🥰

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