I'll chew you out for stealing my piece of art that's prettier than ya face, etc

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y'all, Imma just tell ya right now, this story's gonna be confusing, cuz i suck at writing and what is pacing? 


take it with an open mind and stuff, i think.

i put a lot more thought into the overall aesthetic of the atmosphere. and hopefully it makes you feel like you just walked into my pinterest account haha

also, don't worry, i used proper punctuation and grammar for the actual story; i'm just too lazy to edit this so we're going full blown trash writing here. stay with me!

here's a lengthened description (which i actually put some effort into. sorta... at least i used proper grammar and punctuation)


Name: Adrian Nathaniel Willis

Age: 21(ish?)

Occupation: Works at Lily's diner.

Relationship Status: Single and determined to stay there till death.

Although a declared bachelor, Adrian is plagued with the presence of a little boy who is determined to get to the truth of why he's single. And his boss isn't helping. At all.

This is a little story of how an INFP survived all of the annoying people and depressing stuff.


Yep, the main character is an INFP which is part of a personality typing system, I'm going to assume you've heard of.

✨ MBTI ✨

just in case those letters are intimidating to you...

you don't have to know, really anything about personality theory to read this story. it's still composed of the classic 'me' style, so yeah. a kind of sturdy plot, deeper-than-skin characters, that sort of thing.

But... just in case you're curious or something, I'll give a little tiny explanation of what INFP means. skip if you don't care.

behold: A crash course on the most famous personality typing system

There are eight temperaments that occur consistently in the way every person perceives and processes the world around them. INFP stands for the four temperaments that a specific individual prefers over the other four.

I = Introverted
N = iNtuitive
F = Feeling
P = Perceiving

and then there's the other four that INFP's don't use as much, but still have. these temperaments aren't as developed but as they get older, they'll get easier to use; it's another word for maturity...

E = Extraverted
S = Sensing
T = Thinking
J = Judging

there are fifteen other combinations of these letters to make up all sixteen types of the MBTI personality system. I'm ESFP in case you're wondering...

these temperaments are like a cheater system or summed up generalization of the original things which are called functions.

functions are either outward facing to the world or inward facing to ourselves. so you take those temperaments I just talked about (in this case INFP) and you line them up in a stack and each temperament becomes either introverted or extraverted (inward or outward). so the thing is, with figuring out the function order, do we show a certain temperament to the world, using it to take our environment in, or do we use it internally to process thoughts and emotions?

INFP's, in function terms are considered introverted feelers and extraverted intuitives. but they are usually called Fi and Ne, or FI,Ne. (lol they do be fine tho.)

INFP's function stack looks like this:

Fi = introverted Feeling
Ne = extraverted iNtuition
Si = introverted Sensing
Te = extraverted Thinking
(the third and fourth functions are usually less developed and you can tell a person has them when they are terrible at using them or never even show them)

so first, Fi means that they internally process how they feel and will most likely keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves and stay very private about it (that is, with those they aren't close with. on the other hand, they will share their inner world with their close friends and fam obvi.) that's why we call them introverts because their first function is introverted, see? 

now their second function is Ne which means they enjoy coming up with ideas and bouncing them off of others. (this is a very GENERAL and BROAD explanation. do NOT take me word for word) they take in the world with this function. it's extraverted and this one shows up a lot when they are interacting with other people and the world around them, hence extraversion. 

having both introverted and extraverted functions balances a person's thought processes and how they interact with themselves and their surroundings.

that's how people can mix up introverts and extraverts easily because we all use our two top functions any time the situation calls for it. in reality, we're all ambiverts :)

There's more to this, but I don't want your head to explode.

so there's a ton of stereotypes around every type and INFPs are known as the crybabies cuz they are really aware of their feelings and are incredibly sensitive beings. they are best known as the cinnamon rolls to the personality community. 

My dude Adrian, isn't super stereotypical in some ways and very much so in others. I'm enjoying it way too much.

you're prolly more confused than before but i did my best to explain. so idk... if you don't get it, you can google it?

so, if you're being all smart about this and you're like, "ha you have no idea how to write an INFP, they're too artistic and good for the likes of you, waffle glutton."

I'm here to tell you:
This is a mere interpretation of how I understand INFPs. it will lack a 100% accurate description because i'm not an INFP and will never truly know what goes on in their beautiful heads.
in a sense, no matter who i try to copy or recreate, Adrian and all of my characters will always be a part of me and who i am. so, introducing; the INFP in me haha!

>>Skip to here!

and since I'm in the mood for being kinda professional,

i already know, you're not here for copyrights and warnings about plagiarism so...

Let's just GOOOOO already!!  \^o^/

note::::: i literally can't wait to post this story, but i have no time, but i want to show you guys, but i'm not even done with it, but it's just too good to keep from you guys, but i promised myself i wouldn't update it till i finished, but here we are, and it isn't even finished, and now i'm making bad decisions and the first chapter is really wonky and i'll prolly hate myself for doing this, but i already do, so what have i got to lose, ya know?

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