Ateine. Daffy's day

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just a little look at what Daffy did while Adrian got crazy with duct-taping his family back together :)
highest volume if you wanna feel like Daffy. the more times you loop it, the better it sounds, no lie

not an INFP song (it's a me song ;P)

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Magic by the Cars blares through the surround-sound speakers in Daffodil's room. The room shakes with the boosted bass her uncle installed for her. The floor thumps with the tune, shaking her very body as she lays sprawled on the floor, surrounded by a fort of pillows and blankets, a can of Sprite in her hand. It sweats down the sides of the aluminum, leaving a ring of water on her floor.

Her room is fairly small, holding a twin-sized bed and a smallish dresser; there's just enough room for a quaint pillow fort. A long window lets in the north light on her bed, and a little lamp in the corner is all that lights the room.

The song fades into a buzzing quiet. Turning herself to her radio, she presses the repeat button and the intro rings through, filling the void she encases.

Of course, he would turn her down. What was she thinking? He told her his reasons and still, she ignored it and relied on, what? Luck? Wow, that was stupid.

Could it be that awful compliment she completely bombed? That was quite a low blow, man, what was she thinking? Who would take being called a baby as a nice thing?

No one, you idiot. She slurps her Sprite, feeling the fuzzy bubbles sting her throat. Weird, the song kind of sounds like the feeling Sprite gives. Actually, Coke might taste closer...

The song ends and her fingers find the repeat button by memory. It plays again, basking her in familiarity. Strangely comforting, but at the same time... reminding her that she can't have that magic she wanted.

Adrian is that magic. It's unexplainable; that guy's heart is... beautiful.

From the very moment she saw him, glaring daggers at her forehead, she knew he wasn't like the rest of them. Normal people never glare at you for doing nothing. But he... did.

Why? She had to know why. It seemed he hated her, he kept his distance, he showed her all of those walls.

And to think, she should've been satisfied with knowing the reason, but as soon as she found out why, she realized his walls were crumbling right before her eyes. And they barely knew each other.

The next thing she knew, he wasn't glaring at her. He was talking to her, he was looking at her. He trusted her.

Adrian wasn't normal.

And then... The thunderstorm.

Her cheeks burst into flames. Ugh! Stupid! She isn't supposed to blush at a memory of witnessing a panic attack! That hug is not what's important! It's that she could help him in his fears. A completely human guy. A guy who isn't perfect and needs help and comfort. That was the moment her eyes were opened to who he really is. That was the moment his glares and cruel words melted into a puddle under his feet and she couldn't keep her arms from wrapping around him. Yes, that was probably a slimy trick, using his weakness to sneak a hug in, but it's all she could get. Because as soon as the storm ended, his walls were back up and it seemed like he would do anything to escape her presence.

That stung, she couldn't lie. But it's the chase that's supposed to be enjoyable, right? At least, that's what she heard, but if anything, it really just drives the knife deeper every time he moves a little further away from her, says only what's necessary, avoids eye contact...

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