Chapter 4: Her

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Sayori worked up to hear the alarm clock beeping again

(Tuesday...when will Friday come) Sayori thought as she forced herself out of bed to get ready...

As she got downstairs she noticed her mom making breakfast. It wasn't surprising as on Tuesdays and Thursdays her mom was free.
"Breakfast is almost ready kiddo,in the meantime take a seat". As Sayori took her seat she watched her mother making the breakfast that will soon come to her stomach. The bacon,eggs,toast,beans were all delicious and salivating to look at.

"Alright enjoy ". Sayori's mother said as she brought out a full plate of food (with a hint of o.j) Sayori stomach growled as she said her grace and started eating. The food was so good she almost lost her train of thought.

"Hey mom ?" Sayori called out suddenly as her mother stoped eating. "Yes sweetheart?"
"...what happened last night during that blackout?,I passed out before the electricty came back". Sayori waited for her mom to answer. "There was no blackout yesterday.."

(!!!w-what but I swore it happened) Sayori thought as she remembered that event.
"Probably a dream you had, anyway you should get ready for school". Her mother continued as she got up to clean the dishes.

As Sayori was getting her shoes on her mind didn't stop thinking about last night (that felt off and real I'm sure...and why doesn't mom remember..was it..-) !!! Sayori jolted as her phone vibrated. As she looked she noticed a text that was from mc.

[ HEY]

(Shoot I better hurry) Sayori thought as she quickly grabed her bag and headed out (mom will take care with locking the door) Sayori thought as she ran out to the street. The day was another clear sky as yesterday.
(Hmm maybe today won't be do bad after al-)

As she was running she was almost close to bumping into a person,but she managed to stop herself from bumping and almost falling thanks to her feet catching her.
Sayori looked up. "Oh I'm sorry about that are you o....".

Her voiced trailed off as she looked at the person.

It wasn't just any was someone she knew... The last person she wanted to see
The person looked back."I need to go bye". As the person walked away Sayori prayed that she was imagining things and continued walking (please it's not's not...)

Sayori stoped at the intrace in horror.

It was real, no matter how faked she wanted it to be there was no lie... It was true..

It was monika

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