Chapter 20: Weekend 2 (Sayori)

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(Sayori pov)

I stood there silent....
"What are you doing here"?

Monika stares at me with a anoying look

"1. I was thinking
  2.i should be saying the same thing so
3. What are you doing here"?

(....ok I'm going to be perfectly honest
I think we're ever I'm going monika keeps showing up and now I'm starting to wonder if she is stalking me or I end up in her pathway...ugh)

Before I could speak monika said's something first.

"Look let's just get this over with,just try one more time".

I say nothing but put my hand on my face (silently cursing)

"Ok but I'm starting to think you rigged it."
Monika says nothing but gets the iPad from me and stares at her file.

I look at her as she looks at me. both quiet and blankless states. ""
She says as I glare at her."yeah right".

She closed her eyes as she grabs her file.
I wanted closely to make sure she wasn't doing something off,but for some reason she wasn't. (Off)

She slowly but her file in the trash can and slowly mumbled something to herself.


Me and monika both watched the loading screen... slowly praying to myself...then

I looked at the error and slowly looked at her...her face ... emotionless,quiet,not moving(it's starting to freak me out)

Monika slowly started cleching her fist and slowly grabed a pebble.

I took a step back in case she tried to attack me but instead to my surprise she went to the shore and started at it for a few seconds before..

she threw the pebble far into the ocean

But to my surprise the pebble didn't sink in the water.

It.... smashed into some sort of invisible wall

Otherwise that weird black hole was not there before.

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