Chapter 6: Reunion (part 2)

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The school bell was heard to tell everyone that the end of the day had come. (For the exception of the people who had club)

"I hope you once again do your homework,and I'm looking at you Takahashi". The teacher said In amusement as the "Takahashi" guy groan in frustration.

Everyone who didn't had club ran out to go to there locker ready to go home. Others who had club went to go were there were supposed to go. Almost everyone felt happy,
But for one.

Sayori walked slowly to club, reviewing what she had witness today

(Resetted minds?)

(Whatever happened today,it better be a bad dream) is what Sayori wanted to believe,but she knew that even if she got there,monika will still be there.

She kept pinching herself from first period to lunch. Now all she had to do was hope it wasn't true. Sayori stoped to look at the club door, the poster of the literature club stood there happily showing off it's color of pride. With a sigh she slowly opened the first it looked normal anytime she entered the room. Her 3 friends goofing off and having fun,but now it looked liked if lucifer himself was mocking her Life when monika was in the image.

Sayori forced herself to smile as the other members looked at her as she entered. "Hey guys sorry I'm late". Sayori giggled as she pinched herself one last time to make sure it was fake..and it wasn't.

"It's all right Sayori, club only started 3 minutes so your okay". Monika said calmly as she walked up to Sayori to pat her on the head.
The others smiled in amusement as Sayori was a funny bean to be around with.

"Anyway everyone we'll have a break before club,in the meantime let's have a bit of fun". Monika said as she went to her seat to get her notebook. Everyone resumed during there thing, except for Sayori who whould'nt stop looking at Monika,hoping she whould'nt do an insane thing like she did a year ago on September,2017.

She slowly walked towards monika who was looking at her notebook. "Hey monika, what are you doing"? Sayori said in her usual voice. Monika looked up and smiled like she usually did. "Hey Sayori I'm doing a list of items were going to need for the festival". (Oh I forgot about the festival,it's on next Monday) Sayori thought trying to reflect on the date for the festival. "I'm going to get the supplies now,want to come along"? Sayori hesitated at first (but then again this could be my chance to talk to her) "sure let's go". Sayori said as she started to head toward the door. Monika followed but was stopped by Yuri. "Were you guys going?" 

"Were going to get supplies for the festival".
Monika replied in her sweet tone.
Yuri stared in confusion. "Ok..?"
As monika and Sayori went off, natsuki and mc turned to watched  them leave. "Why they leaving?" Natsuki asked. "There getting supplies for the festival." Mc looked in confusion and amusement. "Well why is Sayori going with monika?"
"Well Sayori is vice president so it'd mostly the vice/president thing I guess". Yuri answered in a logical tone. "... jealous?"
"!!!!no just curious." Mc remarked
Natsuki looked at mc with a "uh huh sure" look

Monika and Sayori walked in silence as they went to get "supplies"
As they got there Sayori stoped for a moment
Monika sensed something was up and stoped were she was.
There was silence in the room for a moment.
(Monika you better not start playing dumb when I start talking) Sayori thought as she hoped monika knew. With a sigh Sayori looked at Monika


"It's nice to see you again Monika...". She said in a hateful tone.

(End of part 2)

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