Chapter 12: Present (part 2)

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"So monika what brings you here". Sayori's mother said in her usual voice.
They where all having dinner at Sayori's house. Her,her mom and monika.

"Oh well Sayori invited me for dinner,don't worry I texted my mom and she knows".

"Well that's good Sayori has this cute habit of inviting friends for dinner, it's also good to see your a good friend".

"Oh yes moni is sweet". Sayori said flashbacking to monika helping her get to her house (it's not like I needed HER help IN THE FIRST PLACE)  "yes bullies are indeed horrible these days". Her mother continued (not knowing her daughter scratching the table)

There was a moment of silence as they ate until her mother said something unexpected. "So monika what are you planning on your future"?

Sayori was confused at this question (but again I chould know what she's planning later on)

Monika stood silent,then she took a sip of tea then spoke

"Do you want to know"?

"Why of course dear I bet it's great".



(End of part 2)

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